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CodeIgniter.php went into a hard loop

(This post was last modified: 12-04-2022, 08:11 AM by richb201.)

Something happened on 12/1. My entire AWS site went down. Upon investigation it seems that Codeigniter.php is stuck while loading the bootstrap file in a loop so the UI never gets to initialize.  Did a CI  or php function expire on 12/1? I am using php 7.4.27 and CI 3.

I didn't do any upgrades on that date. Does that mean that it was an AWS change that CI/3 is not handling well?

In tracing the code in Codeigniter.php I see that this code is running:
if (extension_loaded('mbstring'))
define('MB_ENABLED', TRUE);
// mbstring.internal_encoding is deprecated starting with PHP 5.6
// and it's usage triggers E_DEPRECATED messages.
@ini_set('mbstring.internal_encoding', $charset);
// This is required for mb_convert_encoding() to strip invalid characters.
// That's utilized by CI_Utf8, but it's also done for consistency with iconv.

Could this be my issue? I guess mbstring (whatever that is) is enabled?

I also see that iconv is enabled.
if (extension_loaded('iconv')).

Am I barking up the wrong tree? 

Also: I see iconv is enabled. Could this be the issue as of 12/1/22?
// iconv.internal_encoding is deprecated starting with PHP 5.6
// and it's usage triggers E_DEPRECATED messages.
@ini_set('iconv.internal_encoding', $charset);

Is this really a question I should post on the github site?
proof that an old dog can learn new tricks

Messages In This Thread
CodeIgniter.php went into a hard loop - by richb201 - 12-04-2022, 07:01 AM

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