CI4- how to pass string with slash(/) to controller |
i need to pass data that contain slash(/) to ci4 controller.
in ci3 there is no problem
How do you do in CI3?
(02-13-2023, 04:11 PM)kenjis Wrote: How do you do in CI3? in ci3 : first i need change permited uri config Code: $config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%.:_()@&\-!'; thats all passing data contains slash (/) work view PHP Code: "<?php echo site_url('Iobrg/downloadSMB/056/SMB-PAP/XII/2022') ?>
In C4, you can't get parameter including /.
Code: --- a/app/Config/Routes.php Code: --- a/app/Controllers/Home.php http://localhost:8080/iobrg/download/056...P/XII/2022 You will see "056/SMB-PAP/XII/2022".
(02-14-2023, 05:39 PM)kenjis Wrote: In C4, you can't get parameter including /.did'nt work PHP Code: public function downloadSMB($nomor_smb1)
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