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Model basic CRUD methods and other queries on other tables using $this->db->table()

(This post was last modified: 02-22-2023, 03:28 AM by serialkiller.)

(02-22-2023, 03:06 AM)kenjis Wrote: When you use  table('table_name'), you are using a new Query Builder instance directly.
You are not using the Model.

Yes, I know this, this is the problem right here, because if I don't use table() of the query builder, the query fails?

The Model has its own table set, and the query in question should use that table "sottoeventi".

protected $table = 'sottoeventi';

In the specific case I first run other queries with the query builder, use different tables than the model one, then use table('other_table').

PHP Code:
$this->db->table('sottoeventi_personale')->where('id_sottoevento', (int)$id_sottoevento)->delete();

// Log
$basic_stuff_model->save_log('Delete giornate sottoevento'$this->db->getLastQuery());

$this->where('id', (int)$id_sottoevento)
                'data_inizio' => '0000-00-00',
                'data_fine'   => '0000-00-00'

The update query returns the error "There is no data to update", while you expect it to update the "sottoeventi" table, which is the Model

Messages In This Thread
RE: Model basic CRUD methods and other queries on other tables using $this->db->table() - by serialkiller - 02-22-2023, 03:27 AM

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