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Composer vendor folder instead system

Hi , i have a project with system folder , when i try to install phpspreadsheet from GitHub It create a vendor folder , but ci work with system folder, i try to change system with vendor on config->Path but have error because CI search system..

(This post was last modified: 02-25-2023, 05:39 AM by luckmoshy.)

No CI also works  with composer and creates vendor folder in order to achieve this do
composer create-project codeigniter4/appstarter your-project

otherwise find App/autoload.php

and register your repo
PHP Code:
public $psr4 = [
        APP_NAMESPACE => APPPATH// For custom app namespace
        'Config'      => APPPATH 'Config',
        'App\Thirdparty =>ROOTPATH . 'src/your/something.php',//full qualify namespace
Codeigniter First, Codeigniter Then You!!


for me , i think the lesson i learned is to start from the very beginning to use composer to install Ci4 , then everything else remains ship shape and tidy , when you install further stuff.
CMS CI4     I use Arch Linux by the way 

Arch Book

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