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Library to generate API tokens without database


I have a CI 4.3.x application that consists only of API calls to some server.

Later I was requested to add some REST Api endpoints to this web application using ResourceController class etc.
I've added a simple Basic Authorization checking to these endpoints, but I'd like to go a little step further and add Bearer token auth

The problem I see is that Shield (and other libraries) force me to set up a database, and server (where this web app is hosted) does not have any kind of DB

Is there any library or classes that allow me to:
- generate some tokens (manually) and have them stored in a config file or .env file
- implement Bearer token auth in those endpoints
- decode, validate, etc. these tokens ?

Thanks a lot for any suggestion

Messages In This Thread
Library to generate API tokens without database - by kabeza - 04-19-2023, 05:21 AM

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