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Is it necessary to put the system folder under webroot?

Right now I have it set up like this:

+ sitefolder
   + logs
   + webroot
      + system

Would this be okay to do as long as I edited the index.php file??

+ sitefolder
   + logs
   + system
   + webroot

[eluser]Pascal Kriete[/eluser]
That's fine. Actually, many people here will suggest it as it's a) safer and b) allows you to run several applications on one core, making it easy to update.

That's good to hear, thanks.

So how do you tell index.php to reach the system folder? Change the path to "../system"?

I gave it a full path and it worked like a charm. Like this on a lot of computers:


yes that should work... and donĀ“t forget to change the application path, too...

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