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Form POST submit with parentheses issue

(This post was last modified: 07-29-2023, 07:52 AM by stevukas.)

i am having a weird issue and couldn't find a solution everywhere.
So i have a simple Form with NAME and NOTES fields.
When i submit the form, it works fine, and then i add for example: (12) to the notes, it redirect me to 404
it always if i add parentheses to to any field, sometimes if i add only (12) it works, but if i add (12)(13) it throw a 404 error.
i tried to do AJAX with URI Encode and it still the same.
The weird issue only happening in Production Env, but in my local server, it works find
My Prod server hosted in CPANEL, so it could be server issue?
My Form Action: products/update/1
My route is :
PHP Code:
$routes->presenter('products', ['placeholder' => '(:num)''filter' => 'permissions:products.read']); 

Messages In This Thread
Form POST submit with parentheses issue - by stevukas - 07-29-2023, 07:50 AM

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