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cannot load data from database, the result is blank screen

I cannot display my data from database but blank screen displayed. I think my code (conttroler,view & model) is right...but, i dont know what wrong. this screenshoot my code:

controller :

class Display extends Controller {

function Display()


function index()
$data['title'] = "Data on Database";
$data['display_data'] = $this->display_model->SelectData(); //"data";



model : display_model.php

class Display_model extends Model {

function Display_model()

function SelectData()
$query = $this->db->get('function');
if ($query->num_rows > 0)
$output = '<table>';
$output. = '<tr><td>Function Name</td><td>Function Description</td></tr>';
foreach ($query->result as $row)
$output. = '<tr><td>'.$row->function_name.'</td>';
$output. = '<td>'.$row->function_description.'</td></tr>';
$output. = '</table>';
return $output;
return '<p>Sorry, no results returned.</p>';



view : index.php on display folder.

<h2>&lt;?= $title; ?&gt;</h2>

<div id="function_description">
&lt;?= $display_data;?&gt;

so, I hope everyone can help me...coz, I'm newbie on CI...thanks for your kind help & support.

Try this:
also change this
foreach ($query->result as $row)


foreach ($query->result() as $row)

Let me know if it works

Same thing happens with num_rows. although you still should be seeing your title or the sorry message. Do you have display_errors on or off (take a look at your phpinfo)?

thanks you for your response. I also changed my code as your suggest (thanks for correction, I think mistyping code). but I still got blank screen. actualy, I don't know what happens???.

I have activate my display_error, and I got error message why it cannot works like this
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\tutorial\system\application\models\display_model.php on line 20

I have revised my code, but it still not works. I don't know what wrong? I attach my screnshoot-code which write with italic to this post.

function Display_model()

function SelectData()
$query = $this->db->get('function');
if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
//$output = '<table>';
//$output. = '<tr><td>Function Name</td><td>Function Description</td></tr>';
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
$output = $row->function_name;
$output. = $row->function_description;
//$output. = '</table>';
return $output;
return '<p>Sorry, no results returned.</p>';

overall, thanks for kindly help. I hope you response my post-issue

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