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Forum Anti-Spam Measures

(This post was last modified: 11-16-2023, 03:47 PM by kenjis.)

  • The new user ("newbie") member status, with moderated posts, has been increased to the first five posts and for at least one month after signup.
  • Signatures for new users will be suspended during that period, and only relevant links will be allowed.
  • Usernames will be reviewed, and those that are email addresses will be converted to the alllowed character set, replacing offending characters with underscores.
  • Posts that appear to be for the sole purpose of boosting SEO (eg "Your post was useful", especially for an old thread) will not be approved.

The forum policies & guidelines:
  • Please use English, and proper English at that, except for the "regional user groups" subforum.
  • Be respectful of others; personal differences should be handled elsewhere.
  • Do not use this forum to promote your non-related business.
  • Offensive language will not be tolerated. Spam is offensive.
  • It's a good idea to check if your question has been answered already.
  • Use meaningful titles when creating new threads.
  • Stay on topic. Thread-hijacking posts will not be approved.
  • Do not knowingly post copyrighted material.
  • If you want to format your posts, or to include code in them, use MyCode tags.
  • New users will not be allowed links in their signatures until they progress beyond "newbie" status.
  • Corporate logos should not be used for avatars.
  • Usernames should contain letters, digits, dots or underscores only - no emails.
  • Policy violators will have their posts deleted or not approved. Repeat violators or obvious spammers will be purged without notice.
Reminder: newly registered users have their first posts moderated. This may take a few hours or a few days, depending on what the volunteer moderators are up to.

From: https://forum.codeigniter.com/showthread.php?tid=72549

Currently we need to remove some SPAM posts seem to come from bots daily.

Please do not recommend anything other than something directly related to CodeIgniter, or do not answer existing questions with incorrect information as soon as you register on the forum.

You are more likely to be banned if you do so.

@kenjis, Thank you.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

Thanks for the update, Kenjis! I appreciate the clarification on the new user status and moderation. I'll follow the guidelines and look forward to contributing more.

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