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Modular Extensions - HMVC version 5.2

Sorry if I missed it but is there any way you can use this with the default layout. Seperating it all is a little more than I need at the moment.

*edit: sorry, guess I should just use wick Smile

[quote author="hostcord" date="1227024096"]Sorry if I missed it but is there any way you can use this with the default layout. Seperating it all is a little more than I need at the moment.[/quote]

Which default layout are you talking about hostcord?

I want to be able to render view partials from another controller but I guess Wick doesn't work with php5 Sad I don't need the modular layout though...

Any suggestions with php5?

In wick it keeps giving me $this->db is not a valid property.


<?php echo modules::run('login_mod','','test')?>

I am trying to call the test function in my controller. For some reason the index function always gets called instead.

Any help would be appreciated.


Have you tried?

<?php echo modules::run('login_mod/test')?>


I wanna try it out!where do i get the files?

[quote author="phpserver" date="1227093217"]I wanna try it out!where do i get the files?[/quote]

May I suggest that the OP update the first post with this and other FAQs? With so many pages this thread repeat questions are bound to come up, and knowing it's in the wiki now is buried somewhere.


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