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Modular Extensions - HMVC version 5.2

I have ported Modular Extensions to run PHP5 only.

It is still 100% compatible with CodeIgniter.

Please let me know if you would like to test drive this new version.

Thanks for your interest.

EDIT: 11-19-2008

Modular Extensions 5.2 is now available for download from the wiki.

Click here -> Modular Extensions HMVC

EDIT: 10-15-2009

Modular Extensions PHP5 is also available via svn from google code.

Hehe, what do you think? Sure!

Thanks Maxximus, I have emailed the new files. Wink

[eluser]Sam Dark[/eluser]
Want to test it also since I'm not using PHP4 for a long time already.

Thanks Sam, files sent to your email account. Wink

[eluser]Milos Dakic[/eluser]
ME, ME, ME, ME! Big Grin I wana try!

Thanks serbianking, files sent. Wink

Catch you on #codeigniter too.

[eluser]Sam Dark[/eluser]
Tried v5 today. Not everything tested but works for me. One issue is now I can't do the following in my controllers:


Now I have to write model name in lowercase.

Yes Sam, most CI is lowercase coding, it allows for use on both windows and linux platforms.

BTW: Could you message an email address so I can keep you on the PHP5 mailing list.

Version 5.0.08 is available now

[eluser]Sam Dark[/eluser]
I know that guide points to use lowercase and that lowercase is better for not doing mistakes when developing on Win platform but the issue is: CI allows $this->Post, HMVC not.

See PM. Sent you my email.

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