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Modular Extensions - HMVC version 5.2

@Sam. try using controller::instance() instead of get_instance(), see if you get a better result.

[eluser]Sam Dark[/eluser]
Tried. Same result.

I have tested ME using extended controllers similar to your example and it works fine even when cross loading a view from another module.

[eluser]Sam Dark[/eluser]
Mailed you a minimal test case.

[eluser]Sam Dark[/eluser]
About an issue with a view… it was my fault. View file was in a wrong place. Now the only one left on my side is the one I've mailed test case for.

[eluser]Sam Dark[/eluser]
Just found another one Wink


class Util extends Controller {
  function index(){

Gives Unable to locate the requested file: ../app/views/util/list.php.
Without unused_tags subdirectory works fine.

If you need a test case I'll mail it.

I have checked out the files you sent. I was able to get the library to load a view.

class Testlib
  function load_view($view)
    $CI =& controller::instance();
However, application libraries need to be loaded before any other controllers are loaded because CI will load the library to the last controller instantiated.

Also, while view sub-directories are supported in ME, cross loading from other module view sub-directories is probably not.

Try: $this->load->view('util/views/unused_tags/list');

where I can find 5.x version
at wiki only 4.1

and with 4.1 version I have problem when wun some module with modules::run they did not return any one

[eluser]Milos Dakic[/eluser]
pm wiredesignz with your email address Smile

I would like to try the latest version. Do I need to post an email address or can you send it via my CI account?

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