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Modular Extensions - HMVC version 5.2

Got it and email sent, Thanks for that Chamyto.

Modular Extensions version 5.1.16 will be available to the mailing list soon.

Modular Extensions version 5.1.16 will be available soon as mentioned above.

The spl_autoload feature (base classes only) has been re-instated due to popular demand. Thanks Sam Wink

The library loader has been updated to accommodate some CI 1.7 features:

Library aliases are accepted in the same fashion as model aliases, and loading config files from the module config directory as library parameters (re: Form_validation.php) has been added.

Your comments are appreciated as always.

[eluser]Randy Casburn[/eluser]
@wiredesignz -- Forgive me if my search was inadequate, but I can find no mention of licensing for ME other than a link to the EllisLab license statement for CodeIgniter. Can you provide me a link your license agreement? Since Wiredesignz.co.nz claims ownership an EllisLab license does me no good.

I hope you understand.



Hi Randy,

There is no license as such, you are free to use ME as you wish.

Parts of the CI core are used in ME so I added reference to Ellislab and the CI license to be fair.

[eluser]Randy Casburn[/eluser]
Thanks, I just need reference to that for legal reasons. I'm sure you understand.

It may be good to add a bsd/mit style license just in case, because if you just release it to the public without a license, it's your responsibility if something bad happens.
(Because you haven't stated that it is possible that it does not work as intended, or something)

Good point m4rw3r, I'll add something next update. Thanks.

Added MIT License Agreement to Modular Extensions version 5.1.17

Modular Extensions version 5.1.18 has been sent to the mailing list.

Added: Adjustment to MODBASE allows relocation of the `modules` directory out of the CI application structure.

Bugfix: Autoloading CI system libraries fails due to spl_autoload interference.

Where can i get latest version(5.1.18) of Modular Extensions

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