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CodeIgniter Shield 1.0.0 Official Release Announcement

You will need to read the Sheild User Guide to understand it better.

But after that there are a lot of users here that can help you with it.

Shield Documentation
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

It's worrisome that @kenjis is the only active contributor to our sweet codeigniter. CodeIgniter remains the best framework in my opinion, let's save this framework

Hi everyone!
How can I use the AuthGroups matrix?
My idea is that when creating a new user and assigning a group (this is also complicated when I don't want the default group)
the permissions previosly established in the AuthGroups $matrix are dinamically assigned. I have read the complete documentation, but
there are no indications in this regard. Greetings and thanks in advance.

See https://shield.codeigniter.com/reference...ser-groups

I've used shield in one of my projects. Great library.
Thanks to all for continuous update.

(This post was last modified: 03-13-2024, 05:06 PM by kenjis.)

(01-24-2024, 01:40 PM)i60devs Wrote: It's worrisome that @kenjis is the only active contributor to our sweet codeigniter. CodeIgniter remains the best framework in my opinion, let's save this framework

No he isn't there are other users and developers Contributing all the time.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

Indeed, contributions to CI4 continue. Also, all PRs have been approved by one or more reviewers and merged.

However, development of 4.5 has now almost stopped. The reviews are not progressing.

Thank you! amazing work

Congratulations on the official release of CodeIgniter Shield 1.0.0! ? This is an exciting milestone for the CodeIgniter community. The focus on robust authentication and versatile authorization is impressive, and the community-driven approach truly shines through. I'm especially looking forward to exploring the comprehensive documentation and testing the integration in my projects. Kudos to the team for all the hard work and dedication!

Great! Thank you, how can I use this?

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