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Is there a ready-to-use and production-ready Docker container for CodeIgniter?

Hello everyone,

I am looking for a ready-to-use and production-ready Docker container for a CodeIgniter project. I have an application I am developing and would like to know if anyone already has a configured Docker container that can be used for production.

Specifically, I am looking for a container that:

Includes an optimized web server configuration (Apache or Nginx).
Is prepared to handle CodeIgniter dependency management.
Includes security best practices for production environments.
Has examples or documentation that facilitate customization and deployment.
If anyone has a repository or a link to a Docker image they are already using, or any tips on how to configure a suitable container for production, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you!

Messages In This Thread
Is there a ready-to-use and production-ready Docker container for CodeIgniter? - by tarcisiodev1 - 05-29-2024, 01:49 PM

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