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Is there a ready-to-use and production-ready Docker container for CodeIgniter?

(This post was last modified: 05-30-2024, 03:24 AM by Bosborne.)

That container uses Ubuntu and is quite old. I have a Dockerfile that I am getting ready to use in production using the official php image. It is based on Debian Slim and the variant I use has a builtin Apache web server. They keep the image up to date with the latest php patches and OS versions.

I use my Dockerfile with several CI4 projects and may need to pare out extra files not néeded. It could be used along with the appstarter. Were you expecting something using Docker Volumes to mount your code? My current Dockerfile does not automatically run “composer install” but I run it from the container using docker exec.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is there a ready-to-use and production-ready Docker container for CodeIgniter? - by Bosborne - 05-30-2024, 03:24 AM

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