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Got problems on link the page or classes

i am building a blog using CI, and i tried linking the home page to other but everytime i click on an anchor there is also a message that the page i am looking for is not found on the server, and also for my graphics, i can't display the iamge on the view,
always got a message of appliaction model, i don't understand, please need help.

can you show the code?

to get back to the home page <?php echo anchor('home','Home');?> and same for the other linking the contact , blog and photo gallery.

[eluser]Nikhil Vijayan[/eluser]
When using ci always load url helper . so specify it in auto loader ( inside application/config/autoload.php )

inside the head tags of views add this


<base href="<?= base_url() ?>"  />


make sure u have entered correct base url in config.php

now try . it will work :coolsmile:

and also use the following ways when you link to another pages

<?= anchor('home','home') ?>

<a href="&lt;?= site_url('home') ?&gt;">home</a>

whichever makes sense to you

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