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CodeIgniter 4 Restful Todo API Project - Feedback and Suggestions Wanted!

Hello everyone,
I’ve recently developed a RESTful Todo API project using CodeIgniter 4 and I’d love to get feedback from the community. This project allows users to manage tasks, assign them to friends, and handle friendships. Users can send, accept, or reject friendship requests. Authentication is handled using Shield, and the app supports Turkish, English, and German languages. For quick access, Queue and multilingual support are stored in Redis, and rate limiting is also implemented using Redis.
The project includes an admin panel for managing users, tasks, friendships, logs, and more. All admin actions are tracked with an event system stored in MongoDB, and errors are logged as well. The database structure is ready with Migration and Seeder files, and design patterns like Factory, Singleton, and Observer have been used.

Here’s the link to the repository: https://github.com/kuzeyybora/ci4_restful_todo_api

I would appreciate any feedback, suggestions, or advice on best practices and improvements. Looking forward to your thoughts!
Thank you for your time and feedback!

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