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My CI4 powered web starter kit
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First of all,
I'm not trying to market my product here. If the admins think otherwise, please feel free to remove this post.

I need your advice!

I've developed a web starter kit for CodeIgniter developers. I previously built a similar tool for CI3, but this is a brand-new version, specifically designed for CI4.x from the ground up.

Please check out the demo version and documentation when you have some spare time.

I’d love your honest feedback why wouldn't you invest in this solution? Is it missing key features? Is the design or architecture not good enough?

Feel free to be brutally honest I appreciate honesty over sugarcoating.

Demo: https://appskull.nudasoft.com/en/auth?ne...sOFt/users
Docs: https://docs.nudasoft.com/appskull/

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