Entity Classes and Time |
I'm confused on how best to proceed. I created a Model with an $allowedFields 'date_request'. I created an Entity class that has 'date_request' as one of its $attributes. My confusion stems from two places in the docs:
In using my 'date_request' field should I define it as a 'datetime' type in the $casts array or should I place it into the $dates array to mutate it automatically? Neither? Both?
What are the issues/benefits of these approaches in terms of the Entity and Time classes? Why bother with $dates at all if I have the ability to mutate via cast; more peculiarly if I can specify a cast that is nullable?
using $cast is a more customizable option. And I redefine all get/set for the Entity - this extend the possibilities and gives more control.
PHP Code: // UserModel.php
Seems like this runs the "risk" of casting your updated_at and deleted_at twice as the docs state: "By default, the Entity class will convert fields named created_at, updated_at, or deleted_at into Time instances whenever they are set or retrieved." which seems like an avoidable waste of operations?
Nothing will break, you need to reset the default dates for Entity.
PHP Code: protected $dates = []; |
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