[eluser]dbashyal[/eluser] Sarfaraz: Thanks. I found somewhere Elliot saying, he stopped developing it at the moment. I downloaded the available version but couldn't make it working. But didn't spend much time though
Zacharias: Thanks. I will try EE later. But i prefer to use the one developed from community.
Sock: Thanks. Ya, i felt like that but if i mention it here people who are searching here for CMS can save time.
daulex: Thanks. First time i didn't like much as i didn't check it properly there were no bugs like inkType though. But i spent most time on inkType and fixed a lot of bugs to make it working. After your post i check CE again and like now. inkType is good as well.
John: Thanks. Ya, you are right but we need that CMS which allows client to update their site with ease.