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Load a view

Hi there,

Any help would be very much appreciated ...

In my controller I load a form like this ...

function index() {
        $rules = $this->_load_logs_rules ();
        $this->validation->set_rules ( $rules );
        $fields = $this->_load_logs_fields ();
        $this->validation->set_fields ( $fields );

                $this->layout->buildPage($this->config->item('log_sum_view'), $data);

From within this form, I use AJAX like this ...

var contract_no = $('.trSelected td:nth-child(2) div').text();
                               url: "<?=base_url()?>logs/update_logs",
                            global: false,
                              type: "POST",
                             async: true,
                          dataType: "html",
                              data: "con_num="+ contract_no

In the Update logs function within the controller, I call another form like this ...

function update_logs() {
        $options = null;
        $contract_no = $this->input->post ( 'con_num' );
        log_message('debug','LOGS - Selected contract '.$contract_no);
        return TRUE;

The new from is not loaded (nothing happens), but in my message logs, it says that ...

Quote:DEBUG - 2008-10-16 18:38:40 --> File loaded: C:/WebAus/ifleetiii/system/application/views/default/content/log/log_detail.php

Could somebody please help me?


first of all, for debugging things like ajax, I suggest you use the "httpfox" firefox addon, it's simple and really cool.

Now, in your ajax call, you don't do nothing with the html the server returns, I suggest you add the success option, something like :

                               url: "<?=base_url()?>logs/update_logs",
                            global: false,
                              type: "POST",
                             async: true,
                          dataType: "html",
                              data: "con_num="+ contract_no,
                           success: function (data,textstatus) {

Does it work better ?

Hi, thanks for your suggestion.

The AJAX is working fine. No problem there...

I think my issue is whitin the form...

Do i need something like


in my forms? In both of them?

Hi Guys,

I am still very much stuck at this point.

Could anybody please spear some time for me?


It seems to work with a button.

Does that mean that AJAX does not submit the form?

How can I do the same with my ajax call ...

var contract_no = $('.trSelected td:nth-child(2) div').text();
                               url: "<?=base_url()?>logs/update_logs",
                            global: false,
                              type: "POST",
                             async: true,
                          dataType: "html",
                              data: "con_num="+ contract_no                      

as what I do with this button ...

<?=form_submit(array('id' => 'button', 'name' =>'btn_order', 'value' => 'test')); ?>

There must be a difference, i just dont know ...

Hey guys,

I solved it ...

All i had to do was to add this in my form HTML ...
<form name="get_password" method="post" action="logs/update_logs">
and in my JavaScript, i had to submit the form


The rest (Ajax and CI) stayed the same.

Can anybody explain to me why a web form need to be explicitly submitted.

you haven't solved the problem, you just worked around it Smile

your're probably misunderstanding the concept of AJAX.

like Dready said, when the ajax-request is complete you'll
have to do something with the result in order to see any changes.

ps: Most frameworks prefer an object instead of a parameter-string when dealing with ajax:
url: "<?=base_url()?>logs/update_logs",
global: false,
type: "POST",
async: true,
dataType: "html",
data: {
con_num: contract_no

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