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form_validation on forms that handle add+edit

Hi all,

I've been rebuilding my largest CI app.

In the old (currently live, working) version, I have a number of forms that serve the dual purpose of adding and editing records.

In my view files, I have code like the following:

<input type="text" name="username" value="<?php echo
isset($this->validation->name) ? $this->validation->name : NULL?>" />

In the case of "Edit" functionality, I would assign, for example, some existing database value to $this->validation->name before displaying my form. I was never very happy with the way the code read because I have a lot of lines of code with "validation" in the syntax before any validation is taking place.

With the new form_validation class though, it seems even more awkward due to the extent of abstraction.

How are people going about this? I can think of a few ways but I don't like any of them:

1. When reading fields from the db (edit mode), assign them to $_POST before calling the view file. The HTML looks like:
<input type="text" name="myVar" value="<?php echo set_value('myVar',
$_POST['myVar']);?>" />
2. When reading fields from the db (edit mode), assign each to $this->myVar in my controller, then the view file HTML looks like:
<input type="text" name="myVar" value="<?php echo set_value('myVar', $this->myVar)?>" />
3. When reading fields from the db (edit mode), assign them directly to $this->_field_data[fieldname]['postdata']. This is kinda similar to #1 but it's ugly to access "private" vars in this way.

Maybe it's from being up all night then running into this new library. Anybody see a better way?

I'm thinking Option #2 is probably the best I can come up with right now but even that is a pita because I have many optional fields and I have to either set a lot of fields to '' (empty quotes) to avoid error, or put a bunch of isset()'s in my view file...

Somebody see a cleaner way?


Hi. This is the way I'm using, and I find it better than other ways I've tried (using form_validation in CI 1.7.0):

In my Controller:

function add_or_edit_var() {
  // validation rules here

  $mode = $somevalue; // add or edit here
  if ($mode == 'add') {
    $data['myVar'] = '';
  } else {
    $q = $this->db->query('SELECT myvar FROM tablename LIMIT 1');
    $data['myVar'] = $q->row()->myvar;

  if (count($_POST)==0) return $data; // Do nothing if we have no $_POST value

  if ($this->form_validation->run() === false) {
    // return and show error
    return $data;

  // if no error : save it
  if ($mode == 'add') {
    // add to database
  } else {
    // update database record

  redirect('somewhere'); // after successfully updating DB

In my View:

<input type="text" name="myVar" value="<?php echo set_value('myVar', $myVar) ?>" />

So $myVar always has a default value no matter I'm doing "ADD" or "EDIT"

The same can be applied to other types of form input fields:

<input type="radio" name="name" value="value" <?=set_radio('name', 'value', $myVar=='value')?> />

<select name="name">
<option value="value1" &lt;?=set_select('name', 'value1', $myVar == 'value1')?&gt;></option>
<option value="value2" &lt;?=set_select('name', 'value2', $myVar == 'value2')?&gt;></option>

and so on

[eluser]Rob Stefanussen[/eluser]
Hi chrisco, I just upgraded to 1.7.0. I had the exact same problem as you. My coworkers and I have been using CI for a long time and we were shocked that a bit of a hack (the method you were using in <= 1.6.3) was required to edit database records with the validation class.

After upgrading and also finding out that editing was even MORE awkward, I jumped back onto these boards because I was sure that the new Validation class had finally addressed this issue. I supposed I'll have to pick one of the hacks you suggest.

I do appreciate CodeIgniter and what it has done for my coding, and I hate to see it crash and burn like this on something as fundamental as CRUD. Isn't that like PHP 101??

[Edit: I was wrong - the set_value property works just fine for an "edit" type of form - see below]

I gotta agree with you, @Rob Stefanussen! There were wiki entries that suggested changing the validation class so that you could assign a 'default' value for a given field. Then your form would display the data in the following order of precedence:
1. the data the person posted
2. the default value
3. nothing

It was a good 'hack' to the validation class because you could avoid writing code like this:
&lt;?PHP echo form_input('lastn',$this->validation->lastn ? $this->validation->lastn : $data->last_name,'class="inputText"'); ?&gt;
Kind of tough to look at when you're making an edit form!

I was also excited to see the new validation class - and simultaneously disappointed that this particular issue wasn't addressed.

I love the framework nonetheless - the validation class on forms for editing will still remain a thorn in my side for the time being, I guess Sad

Edit (please ignore last couple of sentences above):
I set up a test as follows:
function test() {
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('test1','Test Field','required|alpha');
    $data = array(
      'dat' => 'Test Data' //could come from DB
    if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
      echo 'success';
    } else {
View (form_test.php):
&lt;form action='/home/test' method="POST"&gt;
  &lt;?= form_error('test1') ?&gt;
  &lt;input type="text" name="test1" value="&lt;?= set_value('test1',$dat) ?&gt;"&gt;
  &lt;input type="submit"&gt;
When the form first loads, the 'Test Data' text is used. When I submit the form with incorrect data (in this case, some numbers), the field is populated with whatever I put in there when it comes back.

So I jumped the gun (sorry). The set_value function does exactly what I need for creating 'edit' types of forms.

Thanks folks for the feedback.

Huan I like what you have and it looks pretty analogous to my option #2 (except you have regular page variables instead of class properties, maybe a little less typing for your version, but similar otherwise). I'll give it a try.


I have just spent no small amount of time translating a large form to the new validation .... why? Don't ask me ... I could perceive no real benefit at all in fact it was a monumental waste of time and indeed the validation which I had working fine now just doesn't. I only did it because it is a new site and I thought I would build its foundations on 1.7.

Validation has never been wonderful and now it seems less so.

Can someone explain exactly what the benefits of 'form_validation' are meant to be?

@treadsoftley: it's the same mine opinion. I have a large application which I decided to convert from 1.6.3 to 1.7.1, because of the new 'form_validation' class. But reading on the forum and trying to change the code, I've seen that the new validation class is not handling in a smart way the classic add/edit pattern.
I mean: for what reason do I have to write such a code:
&lt;?= form_input('input_name',set_value('input_name',$default[input_name'])); ?&gt;
why "set_value" doesn't handle the obvious "default value" problem? why there is not a way _in the controller_ to set that default value, but we need to go to the view (which shoud be as simple and dumb as possible in MVC?)

Rant: my biggest concern is about the fact that nobody of CI official development team is giving any hint or reply to such new philosopy adopted with the new form_validation. So my doubt is: what do I have to think about CI? is it still a living project? Or do we need to think in advance and begin now to search an alternative PHP framework for our applications?

any solutions or CI Forum thread where its solution is discussed?

I am really pulling my hair out. What is the best way to achieve ADD+EDIT forms with CI?
Here is a slimed down example of what I am doing in my UPDATE method:
if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
            // populate form fields
            $event                  = $this->event_model->get_by_id($id)->row();

            // set the form data
            $data['f_title']          = $event->title;
            $data['f_description']    = $event->description;
            $data['f_homepage']       = $event->homepage;

            // load view
            $this->load->view('admin/event/event_form_view', $data);
            $event = array('title' => $this->input->post('title'),
                            'description' => $this->input->post('description'),
                            'homepage' => $this->input->post('homepage'));

            // set user message
            $data['message'] = '<p class="success">Successfully updated</p>';

            // load view
            $this->load->view('admin/event/event_view', $data);

And then in my view I use:
&lt;input type="text" name="title" value="&lt;?= set_value('title', $f_title); ?&gt;" /&gt;
&lt;textarea name="description"&gt;&lt;?= set_value('description', $f_description); ?&gt;&lt;/textarea&gt;
&lt;input type="checkbox" name="homepage" value="1" &lt;?php echo set_checkbox('homepage', $f_homepage); ?&gt; /&gt;

set_value() is working fine. The problem I am having is with set_checkbox() not working as expected?
I have been all round trying to figure this one out and am sure that someone will have a better way of doing things?
Or will spot my mistake?

I haven't got a checkbox example to hand but this is what my view looks for radios

echo form_label('Publish Setting','publish');
    echo 'Yes-'.form_radio($radio, 1, ($$radio==1)?TRUE:FALSE);
    echo ' No (draft)- '.form_radio($radio, 2, ($$radio==2)?TRUE:FALSE);

ah just found a checkbox....

echo form_checkbox($box, "1", set_value($box, (isset($$box)?$$box:0)));

With both examples, as long as the page is receiving $publish and $checkbox they should work. Hope this helps. Above examples good for long lists of checkboxes as they can be placed in a loop and populated from an array.....

$boxes = array('box1','box2','box3');

foreach ($boxes as $box){
    echo form_checkbox($box, "1", set_value($box, (isset($$box)?$$box:0)));

.....that sort of thing .... you could even add another dimension to the array that could carry the initial setting etc.

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