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Changing site language on-the-fly

Inside the extended language file you don't have to fetch the is_loaded array from the CI object, you can directly get it from the parent class so $this-> is sufficient. The $this->lang->is_loaded is to check the files in a controller.

I just checked the code again and it works for me so i don't know why you guys are having problems. It's a pretty basic function;

- set the new idiom
- get all loaded files from previous idiom
- empty the loaded files variable
- add all files from the new idiom

In answer to the earlier question from xwero about 'when' I call it, I call it in my application controller... this context is my admin panel, and I have links at the bottom of it with the language names, so I have a function 'language' in my 'admin' controller, and call it there.

So here's what I did. I changed the line of code from

which sets $loaded to the array containing the currently loaded language files. I checked the array and it has the correct files in it.

The problem is that the load line resolves to (based on the error message) language/file_lang.php instead of, for example, language/spanish/file_lang.php

I verified that $idiom contains the language name. I also tried changing the load to have $idiom as a second argument, which should force the use of the language, but it doesn't work.

Finally it works for me.

My mistake was typing

instead of

I thought I have to write "language" because ussually
you write

But a look at the user guide told me ...

@ xwero

works when written in my controller. I first tested in the
switch_to function. Thanks for your support!

Glad you got it working...I'm still broken. Here is what my code looks like now.

class MY_Language extends CI_Language
  function MY_Language()
    * Makes switching between languages easier
    *  example : http://ellislab.com/forums/viewreply/339962/
    function switch_to($idiom)
        $CI =& get_instance();
        if(is_string($idiom) && $idiom != $CI->config->item('language'))
            $loaded = $this->is_loaded;
            $this->is_loaded = array();
            foreach($loaded as $file)

the line in my controller
with $lang being verified as 'spanish'. Now that I have 'lang' instead of 'language' based on the response above, I *do* have values in the is_loaded array...but

the error message I receive now is:
Unable to load the requested language file: language/messages_lang.php

which I assume should really be 'language/spanish/messages_lang.php

Maybe there is something wrong with your languages files?

In system/languages I have two folders. The ci basic "english"
lang folder and for testing a additional "german" folder.
To check if all is working I placed a "test_lang.php" and
"test2_lang.php" file in both language folders.

In autoload.php I have:
$autoload['libraries'] = array('language');
# and
$autoload['language'] = array('test','test2');

My test-controller (the standard "welcome" slightly extended):

class Welcome extends Controller {

    function Welcome()
    function index()

/* End of file welcome.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/controllers/welcome.php */

In my config.php I have defined "english" as the standard language,
so I can test with switching to german in the controller. I just wanted
to get this to work, so I just edited the welcome controller ...

In my view I have:
<?php echo($this->lang->line('test_say'));?>
So I can see if the right string comes out.

Hope you get it to run as well!

PS: I didn't change anything in the My_language class - took it like xwero posted

I changed my My_language back to xwero's code after I read your post about lang instead of language. That fixed the problem that had caused me to change the code.

The difference I see between your code and mine is two things:

1. My language files are in the application/language directory instead of the system/language. This doesn't seem to stop them from being loaded, or from is_loaded finding them, but if that could in some way be my problem.

2. I use lang( to retrieve my strings instead of $this->lang->line

hmm, hard to say what is wrong. Do you get an error message or
is the language string not shown correctly?

I have to leave office now and will be back on monday.
If you want, I send you my application then and you can compare the code bedder!

I get the message I put above... that 'language/filename_lang.php is not found (this is on the load command). I think it should be language/spanish/filename_lang.php

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