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.htaccess - Allowing access to sudbdirectories via sobdomains only

Hi everyone.

I'm hoping that an expert on htaccess files will be able to help me here.

I have my Web root, which has several Web sites in it, each one in a subdirectory. I would like to allow access to the directories, but only via a sub-domain. Example:

mydomain.tld/         - should resolve the "www" subdirectory.
www.mydomain.tld/     - should resolve the "www" subdirectory.
mydomain.tld/www/     - should give a 404 error, as technically, it doesn't exist.

images.mydomain.tld/  - should resolve the "images" subdirectory.
mydomain.tld/images/  - should give a 404 error, as technically, it doesn't exist.

site1.mydomain.tld/   - should resolve the "site1" subdirectory.
mydomain.tld/site1/   - should give a 404 error, as technically, it doesn't exist.

Hopefully you can see what I'm getting at. Obviously, directories within the sub-domains should be accessible via the URL, just not the subdirectories in my Web root.

I have tried learning Apache directives, but the whole thing has gone over my head. I am going to make more time to learn about them, but for the meantime, I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me with a quick fix. If someone could instead point me to an online article that will show me how to achieve this, I would appreciate just as much. I've spent a lot of time trying to find the answer to my question, and so far, I've gotten nowhere fast.

Many thanks in advance.

I'm bumping this topic in the hope that someone might be able to point me in the right direction.

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