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ajax query database with textbox data and show results

Hi there!

Im porting an application, its the old style php embedded in HTML untidy programming u.u

What i need to do is check if a user exists on the database with his ID typed on the textbox, using the onblur javascript event.


The input: cedula or ci = ID , sry for spanish names Sad

< input type="text" id="txtCedula" name="txtCedula" class="jsrequired" o n b l u r = " g e t R e a f i l i a c i o n ( '../modulos/scriptReAfiliacion.php?ci= '  +this.value ) " / >

Ok it calls a javascript function with the URL of the *logic* that gets the ci value and check in DB if the user exists or not.. and then it shows the result on a div.

Javascript file

function getXMLHTTP() {
        var xmlhttp=false;    
            xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
        catch(e)    {        
                xmlhttp= new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
                xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
        return xmlhttp;
function getReafiliacion(strURL)
    var req = getXMLHTTP();        
    if (req)
        req.onreadystatechange = function()

            if (req.readyState == 4)
                if (req.status == 200)
                    // the div where the  info is shown
document.getElementById('lblAdvertencia')[removed] = req.responseText;                        
                    alert("Hubo un problema con ajax y el objeto XMLHTTP:\n" + req.statusText);
         req.open("GET", strURL, true);

And this is the PHP file with the Logic


$bd = new Mysql5();

$ci = $_GET['ci']; //here it gets the ID value from the javascript

//it query for user existence
$resultado = $bd->ConsultaSQL("SELECT id FROM socio WHERE cedula = '".$ci."' AND estadoBaja = -1");

$row = mysql_fetch_array ($resultado);
//if it doesnt exists i show an error message... that javascript puts in the div lblAdvertencia

if($row[0] != NULL){
    echo "<b><font color='red'>El socio de la cooperativa esta dado de baja!</font>[ Reafiliar ]</a></b>";

Ok so in CodeIgniter what I've done is a model to handle the bd operations and a controller to connect the view and the model.

My controller:

note that socio is like : user in english Tongue

class socio extends Controller

    function __construct ()
    function index(){}
//nuevo is link new.. this method shows the form of user registration were i have to check if the ID is already taken or not
    function nuevo()
        $config['title'] = 'CAOMA 2.0 \ Socio Nuevo';
        $config['header'] = '[removed][removed]';
    //this is the method that connects me with the model that gets the data from DB
        //this medoth recievs the ID($ci) and a optional parameter because im going to use it for non-ajax also :P
    function reafiliar($ci,$ajax = FALSE)
        if ($ajax == TRUE)
                        //ok if its called from ajax go to model and get the info
            $config['reafiliar'] = $this->socio_model->getReafiliacion($ci);

The model

class socio_model extends Model
    function __construct()
//this method does the logic of checking in db if the user exists..
//if it does it returns " " if not it returns the message to show.
    function getReafiliacion($ci)
        $query = $this->db->get('socio');
        if(!$query->num_rows() == 0)
            return "<b><font color='red'>El socio de la cooperativa esta dado de baja!</font> [ Reafiliar ]</b>";
        return "";

Ok this is my code but i dont know how to relate with javascript in the user registration form (socio_ingreso_form) . In the old one i send data using Post.

I cannot call my : function reafiliar($ci,$ajax = FALSE) and send the variable from the input onblur event , or can I ? :S

Im newbie using javascript and stuck here with this.. need a solution please help me Smile

Thnx a lot =)

sorry i re-post this here:


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