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best solution for image uploading?

Well I have to make a site for products selling... and the customer should have a panel for posting his products.. but he want to upload lots of pictures for a product and my aplication should store them and resize them to create a gallery.

Is there any problem if i create a folder for each product with the productID as the folder name ? I know it will be less than 10.000 products... but is this ok ? it won't hurt my ftp navigation or hosting ? The best place to store them in CI is the application folder ?

Anyone with experience dealing with this ?

Thnks a lot

[eluser]The Wizard[/eluser]
Hello friend,

create the products under the userid's.


then sort them up with the DB, and there you go Smile

for uploading you should use www.aurigma.com
im very veyr statisfied

There are no users, its only one user.. my customer Tongue .. they will be categories for the products, but he will upload a lots of pics for each products, something like this...


the thing is he will have 10000 products Tongue but is better to work with a folder that has the images in.. and the folder name to be the product ID. Because you dont need to store URL's in DB.. you just know you have to grab all from the folder that has the name of the product ID.

Is there a better idea ? I will check aurigma Smile thnxs for reply

you send me to a commercial product with Microsoft partner!!! wtf ???????????

[eluser]The Wizard[/eluser]
i use it, its fine Smile

[eluser]The Wizard[/eluser]
even FACE BOOK uses it, so, why the hype?

You should check FancyUpload , its free and open source and is not in partnership with.. emm coffffff....emmmm i can't say it anymore Smile


[eluser]The Wizard[/eluser]
hello again,
if you are going to seriously upload thousands of pictures,
you should stick to aurigma

Just 3,4, 5 or 6 per product.. i will always stick to open source.. no matter the quality of the product, for me is more important the source, and community driven.

GNU/Linux, Gedit, PHP, Codeigniter, Inkscape, Gimp, Firefox..etc user here Smile

[eluser]The Wizard[/eluser]
i was like you too, till i understood that,
if you wanna deliver quality, you sometimes have to
go a little bit commercial Smile

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