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newbie stuck on set_value

I've been fooling around with creating a little phone list application that displays employees in a list and has an edit/delete function that can be selected on each employee.

I am stuck on editing the data(i guess i will use the same view to add a record also, I just haven't gotten that far.

It seems I read that in order for the data to show I have to use validation(but maybe i miss understood). I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what i'm doing wrong. I'm currently getting 'trying to get property of non-object.

I'm only trying to load last name currently- until i get it figured out.

Also, in case its confusing. I'm connecting to a DB2 database and in order for me to access the fields, they have to be in CAPS.
here is code
Controller Phonelist
class Phonelist extends Controller
    function phonelist()
        //this gives us redirect
    function list_users()
        $data['phonelist'] = $this->phone_model->get_phonelist();
         $this->load->view('phonelist_view', $data);
    function edit_phone($id = false)
        $this->form_validation->set_rules('LAST_NAME', '', '');
        if (!$id) redirect ('phonelist/list_users');
        $data['phonelist'] = $this->phone_model->get_phone($id);

<?php $alternate = "2"; ?>
<table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
<tr ><td><u>Last Name</u></td>
<td><u>First Name</u></td>
<td nowrap ><u>Cell Phone</u></td>
&lt;?php $alternate = "2"; ?&gt;
&lt;?php foreach ($phonelist as $row):  ?&gt;

&lt;?php if ($alternate == "1") {
$color = "#00ffff";
$alternate = "2";
else {
$color = "#efefef";
$alternate = "1";
} ?&gt;

<tr bgcolor=&lt;?=$color?&gt;>    

<td nowrap>&lt;?=$row['CELLPHONE#']?&gt;</td>
<td nowrap>&lt;?=$row['PAGER']?&gt;</td>
<td><a href="P:\Human Resources\Employee Pictures - Sept 2005/&lt;?=$row['USERIMAGE']?&gt;"><img src=" P:\Human Resources\Employee Pictures - Sept 2005/thumbs/tn_&lt;?=$row['USERIMAGE']?&gt;"> </a></td>

<td>&lt;?=anchor('phonelist/edit_phone/'.$row['ID'], 'Edit Record')?&gt;</td>
&lt;?php endforeach; ?&gt;
phone_edit- view
echo anchor('/phonelist/list_users' , 'Back To List');
echo form_open('/phonelist/edit_form/'.$this->uri->segment(3) );

echo form_label('Last Name', 'Last' ).'&nbsp;&nbsp;';
echo form_input(set_value($phonelist->LAST_NAME)).'<br />' ;
echo form_label('First Name', 'First' ).'&nbsp;&nbsp;';
echo form_input('FIRST_NAME').'<br />' ;


[eluser]M Moeen uddin[/eluser]
Well actually, i m right now having the same problem.
Actually, the variables $row['LAST_NAME'] etc are not defined here. So a temporary solution would be to set


get_the_row records

... Well, thats dirty, but hopefully works.Otherwise i m working out on this more

The first parameter of set_value() should be the name of the field. In your case, the input field doesn't have a name (but needs one). The second parameter for set_value() is the one you wish to show if the field you specified in the first parameter, is not set in the post array (i.e the form hasn't been submitted).

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