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image resize library issues

i'm running 1and1.com Business Package on a Linux server. In the FAQ it only shows this on how to install it


Are you saying there is an easier way to do it? I mean the above method seems ok but the "path/to/your/htdocs" is confusing as I don't have an htdocs folder, everything about my site is on the root level "/"

Sorry, easier way to do what?

I'm simply suggesting that you install ImageMagick, and try using that for resizing. It may give you better results, and is arguably much better than PHPs native GD libraries.

you said "install from a repository". I was asking if that is easier than doing it the SSH way.

I think Fuzzy meant that once you SSH'd into your box you could install from a repository.

If, however, your root of your account is the root of the web server, then you don't have a 'real' operating system, virtualised or otherwise, to play with - so it becomes slightly trickier. You (probably) can not just install a pre-rolled (packaged) version of ImageMagick.

Note that SSH is just a way of communicating with a remote box - secure shell - it gives you a command line prompt on a remote box. Once there, you'd have to install the ImageMagick software ... somehow.

In the first instance I'd ask your hosting provider if they can do it - it'll be much easier.

If they can't/won't, then you'll have to get a copy of ImageMagick and SCP (secure copy - which runs over SSH) that to your web host, and see if you can copy the files into some directory from which you can run php exec() commands to .. and, well, it'll take some fiddling around I expect. I have no idea what libraries the ImageMagick binaries need - or indeed if they require any at all.

Try not to be put off by what Jedd has said. He has also covered the worse case scenario, but I'm quite confident it won't need to come to that.

WOW. I am officially the dumbest dude out there. After all this hassle trying to get ImageMagick installed and working (which I think I did), the problem was in my css. I had my .thumbnail set to a width of 125px, so the actual 100px image was being stretched on being displayed. It's always the simplest oversight. UNREAL!

That's why you should have posted the actualy resulting image and not a screenshot of what you were seeing Tongue

Well spotted, and well done for getting it fixed. Smile

Hi Guys!

I have some blurry problem with the CI image library. I'm using GD2, and the quality is between 95-100%, so the image should be good quality, but the resized image is unsharp and blurry..

Some code:

var $res_prop = array(
      "image_library"  => 'GD2',//
      "create_thumb"   => FALSE,
      "maintain_ratio" => TRUE,
      "dynamic_output" => FALSE,
      "master_dim" => "auto",


$this->res_prop['width'] = $new_w;
$this->res_prop['height'] = $new_h;


Anybody have this issue with the library?

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