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Tank Auth v1.0 (CI authentication library)

Hi again,

I finally succeeded in integrating tank auth in my app. I've updated each $this->load->view adding my template and in config.php I've just droped the "index.php" to prevent tank auth forcing it.

Finally the only thing I don't know how to do would be to have a quick login form on each pages. Anyone made it?

Concerning flexi auth I'm just not prepared for that, I prefer DB login.


To make a login form on every page, just either include the login view as well, or copy that form. Tank Auth is dependent on the name of the fields - so just make sure there are no collisions. I alter this once to have login and registration on the same page, and noticed there that they look at the same field names. Had to edit some of the library to fix that.

edit: if you want them to stay on the page, or return to the page they were on after logging in, you would need to do a bit more work. I think if I remember right, that it has them go to index.php after logging in.


I've just started my CI and TA journey... altho i'm having lots of error messages, whenever i logout or activate acount. Here are the errors i get:
Undefined index: session_id
Undefined index: ip_address
Undefined index: user_agent
Undefined index: last_activity
Undefined index: session_id
Undefined index: last_activity
Filename: libraries/Session.php lines 288-289

There are few more errors:
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /projekt/system/core/Exceptions.php:185)
Line Number: 675
and same thing but inside
Filename: helpers/url_helper.php
Line Number: 542

i got problem in setting the reCapcha it tank auth when i try to change it theme color, the recapcha image now is showing on the top of the form.

this is the code i edit
function _create_recaptcha()

  // Add custom theme so we can get only image
  $options = "[removed]var RecaptchaOptions = {theme: 'red', custom_theme_widget: 'recaptcha_widget'};[removed]\n";

  // Get reCAPTCHA JS and non-JS HTML
  $html = recaptcha_get_html($this->config->item('recaptcha_public_key', 'tank_auth'));

  return $options.$html;

changing the theme from custom to red.

now the recapcha is showing above the form.

could someone can help me about this?

I will appreciate for any help will come, thank you.

BTW sorry for my bad english


I wanted to use tank_auth for my CI 2.2 project authentication, but after I read doc ( http://konyukhov.com/soft/tank_auth/ ) I found that it lacks some group authentication and validation methods like :
if( !$this->tank_auth->is_logged_in and $this->tank_auth->has_access( array('Editor','Manager') ) ) {

Is it possible to make such authentication for tank_auth or maybe there are some better tools for this ?

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