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Search result and pagination class

but i have to other project running on localhost as well as on server with same code. I just copied the same code. How is that possible that searching works on those and not in my new project

My code for previous project was this
function search()
        $key = $this->input->post('key');
        $what = $this->input->post('what');
        $tags = $key;
        if(($tags == "") || ($tags == null))
             $data['response'] ="Oopps, seems you did not enter the keywords";
             $data['response_image'] = 'error.png';
             $data['page'] = base_url();
             $data['alt'] = "";
             $this->load->view('ok', $data);
             //echo $keyword;
    function searching($keyword, $what)
        $tags = $keyword;
        $kt=split("_",$tags);//<------- Using the Split() working fine
      //----------------------------WHEN BOTH ARE ALL-----oNLY KEY WORD SEARCH IS NEEDED------------
            $data['pageId'] = 2;
                        if($val<>" " and strlen($val) > 0)
                            $q .="details like '%$val%' or ";
              //echo ($q);
              $config['base_url'] = base_url() . "welcome/searching/$keyword/$what";
                    if($what == "jwls")
                        $config['total_rows'] = $this->db->count_all("normal where ".$q);    
                    elseif($what == "gems")
                        $config['total_rows'] = $this->db->count_all("gems where ".$q);    
              $config['per_page'] = '20';
              //$config['page_query_string'] = TRUE;
              $config['full_tag_open'] = '<p>';
              $config['full_tag_close'] = '</p>';
              $config['uri_segment'] = 5;
              $data['best'] = @$this->get->getBest();
                    if($what == "jwls")
                        $data['gotSearchedJwl'] = @$this->get->getSearchedJwl($keyword, $config['per_page'],$this->uri->segment(5));
                        if($data['gotSearchedJwl'] == null)
                            $data['gotSearchedJwl'] ="none";
                    elseif($what == "gems")
                        $data['gotSearchedJwl'] = @$this->get->getSearchedGem($keyword, $config['per_page'],$this->uri->segment(5));
                        if($data['gotSearchedJwl'] == null)
                            $data['gotSearchedJwl'] ="none";
                    if($what == "gems")
                        $data['mainContent'] = "searchedListGem";
                        $data['mainContent'] = "searchedListJwl";
                    $this->load->view('includes/template', $data);

Code for the new project(for which th split is not workiing is )
function searchFrnds()
        $keywords = $this->input->post('srchfrnds');
        $what = $this->input->post('what');
        $tags = $keywords;
        if(($tags == "") || ($tags == null))
            $page = base_url()."welcome/friends";
                &lt;meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5; url=&lt;?=$page?&gt;"&gt;
                        border: #b55024 1px solid;
                        background-color: #edbca7;
                        font-size: 20px;
                        color: #5F4412;
            <div id='rsp'>
                OOps, No keywords submitted....
                        Please wait you will be redirected shortly
            //echo $keywords."hello";
    function searchingFrnd($tags, $what)
        //echo $tags;
        //$tags = $keyword;
        $kt =split("_",$tags);//<---- split( not working here)
        //-----loading pagination class------
        $config['base_url'] = base_url() . "welcome/searching/$keyword/$what";
        //-----getting pagination as -------
        if($what == "email")
                       if($val<>" " and strlen($val) > 0)
                            $q .="email like '%$val%' or ";
                      if($val<>" " and strlen($val) > 0)
                              $q .="display_name like '%$val%' or ";
        $config['total_rows'] = $this->db->count_all("user where ".$q);
        $config['per_page'] = '20';
        $config['full_tag_open'] = '<p>';
        $config['full_tag_close'] = '</p>';
        $config['uri_segment'] = 5;
        if($what == "email")
            $data['gotFrnds'] = @$this->get->getSearchedFrndByEmail($keyword, $config['per_page'],$this->uri->segment(5));
            $data['gotFrnds'] = @$this->get->getSearchedFrndByName($keyword, $config['per_page'],$this->uri->segment(5));
        $data['content'] = "srchdfriends";
        $this->load->view('includes/user_template', $data);

They both are on localhost, same Ci version, and using wamp server.

Please help guys.

both are on same machine or some other machine and also what's you PHP version and simple solution just change split to explode function both work same.

both are on same machine

Thank you
Explode worked well though. But I'm still confused

koee naheen sardar gee hota banda confuse hoo jata ha

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