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Authorize.NET AIM interface.

First I would like to say thanks to those that sent me some files they were working on for Authorize.NET. I did in my search find a class by Micah Carrick which I have modified to work with CI.

With this library you can process payments with Authorize.NET AIM. It will process the payment and return the response code 1 - Approved, 2 - Declined, 3 - Transaction Error. You can also get all response fields/value pairs in a array.

Usage setup:
Download the attached Authorize_.net.php file and upload to your application/libraries folder.

Add the following to config.php file:
| Authorize.net Credentials and Info
$config['authorize_net_test_mode'] = 'TRUE'; // Set this to FALSE for live processing

$config['authorize_net_live_x_login'] = 'LIVE LOGIN ID';
$config['authorize_net_live_x_tran_key'] = 'LIVE TRANS KEY';
$config['authorize_net_live_api_host'] = 'https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll';

$config['authorize_net_test_x_login'] = 'TEST LOGIN ID';
$config['authorize_net_test_x_tran_key'] = 'TEST LOGIN TRANS KEY';
$config['authorize_net_test_api_host'] = 'https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll';

// Lets setup some other values so we dont have to do it everytime
// we process a transaction
$config['authorize_net_x_version'] = '3.1';
$config['authorize_net_x_type'] = 'AUTH_CAPTURE';
$config['authorize_net_x_relay_response'] = 'FALSE';
$config['authorize_net_x_delim_data'] = 'TRUE';
$config['authorize_net_x_delim_char'] = '|';
$config['authorize_net_x_encap_char'] = '';
$config['authorize_net_x_url'] = 'FALSE';

$config['authorize_net_x_method'] = 'CC';


Controller example (authorizenet.php):
class Authorizenet extends Controller {

    function Authorizenet() {
    function index() {
        echo "The main page";
    function processpayment() {
        // Lets do a test transaction
        $this->authorize_net->add_x_field('x_first_name', 'John');
        $this->authorize_net->add_x_field('x_last_name', 'Johnson');
        $this->authorize_net->add_x_field('x_address', '12345 Main Street');
        $this->authorize_net->add_x_field('x_city', 'Some City');
        $this->authorize_net->add_x_field('x_state', 'CA');
        $this->authorize_net->add_x_field('x_zip', '55555');
        $this->authorize_net->add_x_field('x_country', 'US');
        $this->authorize_net->add_x_field('x_email', '[email protected]');
        $this->authorize_net->add_x_field('x_phone', '555-555-5555');
         * Use credit card number 4111111111111111 for a god transaction
         * Use credit card number 4111111111111122 for a bad card
        $this->authorize_net->add_x_field('x_card_num', '4111111111111111');
        $this->authorize_net->add_x_field('x_amount', '15.00');
        $this->authorize_net->add_x_field('x_exp_date', '0311');    // MMYY
        $this->authorize_net->add_x_field('x_card_code', '123');
        $authnetreponse = $this->authorize_net->get_all_response_codes();
        if($authnetreponse['Response_Code'] == '1') {
            $data['authresponse'] = $authnetreponse;
            $this->load->view('paymentsuccess_view', $data);
        }elseif($authnetreponse['Response_Code'] == '2') {
            $data['authresponse'] = $authnetreponse;
            $this->load->view('paymentdeclined_view', $data);
         }elseif($authnetreponse['Response_Code'] == '3') {
             $data['authresponse'] = $authnetreponse;
            $this->load->view('paymentdeclined_view', $data);

View for approved payment (paymentsuccess_view.php):
<div align="left">
<h1>Your payment was a success!</h1>
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

View for declined or error transaction (paymentdeclined_view.php):
<div align="left">
<h1>Error processing your payment!</h1>
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

I will post the library in the following post due to character restrictions. As well as attach it to this thread.

I hope this helps anyone looking to process payments using Authorize.NET AIM. I will be working on using the CIM shortly thanks to a class sent to me by Josh. Also thanks to James for sending the class he was working on.

There may be better ways to do some of this and I would love to hear from anyone with suggestions.


Authorize_net.php library (comments have been removed but are included in the file attached to the above post:
if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Authorize_net {
    var $field_string;
    var $fields = array();    
    var $response_string;
    var $response = array();
    var $debuginfo;
    var $gateway_url = "https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll";

    function Authorize_net() {
        $this->CI =& get_instance();        

        if($this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_test_mode') == 'TRUE') {            
            $this->gateway_url = $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_test_api_host');
            $this->add_x_field('x_test_request', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_test_mode'));
            $this->add_x_field('x_login', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_test_x_login'));
            $this->add_x_field('x_tran_key', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_test_x_tran_key'));
            $this->gateway_url = $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_live_api_host');
            $this->add_x_field('x_test_request', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_test_mode'));
            $this->add_x_field('x_login', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_live_x_login'));
            $this->add_x_field('x_tran_key', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_live_x_tran_key'));
        $this->add_x_field('x_version', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_x_version'));
          $this->add_x_field('x_delim_data', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_x_delim_data'));
          $this->add_x_field('x_delim_char', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_x_delim_char'));  
          $this->add_x_field('x_encap_char', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_x_encap_char'));
          $this->add_x_field('x_url', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_x_url'));
          $this->add_x_field('x_type', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_x_type'));
          $this->add_x_field('x_method', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_x_method'));
          $this->add_x_field('x_relay_response', $this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_x_relay_response'));    

    function add_x_field($field, $value) {
      $this->fields[$field] = $value;  

   function process_payment() {
        foreach( $this->fields as $key => $value ) {
            $this->field_string .= "$key=" . urlencode( $value ) . "&";
        $ch = curl_init($this->gateway_url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, rtrim( $this->field_string, "& " ));
        $this->response_string = urldecode(curl_exec($ch));
        if (curl_errno($ch)) {
            $this->response['Response_Reason_Text'] = curl_error($ch);
            return 3;
            curl_close ($ch);
        $temp_values = explode($this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_x_delim_char'), $this->response_string);
        $temp_keys= array (
            "Response_Code", "Response_Subcode", "Response_Reason_Code", "Response_Reason_Text",
            "Approval_Code", "AVS_Result_Code", "Transaction_ID", "Invoice_Number", "Description",
            "Amount", "Method", "Transaction_Type", "Customer_ID", "Cardholder_First_Name",
            "Cardholder Last_Name", "Company", "Billing_Address", "City", "State",
            "Zip", "Country", "Phone", "Fax", "Email", "Ship_to_First_Name", "Ship_to_Last_Name",
            "Ship_to_Company", "Ship_to_Address", "Ship_to_City", "Ship_to_State",
            "Ship_to_Zip", "Ship_to_Country", "Tax_Amount", "Duty_Amount", "Freight_Amount",
            "Tax_Exempt_Flag", "PO_Number", "MD5_Hash", "Card_Code_CVV_Response Code",
        for ($i=0; $i<=27; $i++) {
            array_push($temp_keys, 'Reserved_Field '.$i);
        while (sizeof($temp_keys) < sizeof($temp_values)) {
            array_push($temp_keys, 'Merchant_Defined_Field '.$i);
        for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($temp_values);$i++) {
            $this->response["$temp_keys[$i]"] = $temp_values[$i];
        return $this->response['Response_Code'];
   function get_response_reason_text() {
        return $this->response['Response_Reason_Text'];

    function get_all_response_codes() {
        return $this->response;

   function dump_fields() {                
        echo "<h3>authorizenet_class->dump_fields() Output:</h3>";
        echo "<table width=\"95%\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\">
               <td bgcolor=\"black\"><b><font color=\"white\">Field Name</font></b></td>
               <td bgcolor=\"black\"><b><font color=\"white\">Value</font></b></td>
        foreach ($this->fields as $key => $value) {
         echo "<tr><td>$key</td><td>".urldecode($value)."&nbsp;</td></tr>";
        echo "</table><br>";

   function dump_response() {            
      $i = 0;
      foreach ($this->response as $key => $value) {
         $this->debuginfo .= "$key: $value\n";
      return $this->debuginfo;

hi summer student

can u tell where shall we call this controller for authorize.net when we go for it

[eluser]Trae R.[/eluser]
I found this to be very useful. Many thanks for posting it. Please consider adding it to the CodeIgniter Wiki.

You ought to check out the authorize.net library in my Community Cart application. There is a lot more to be desired than what the above code provides. Filename is Authnet.php. Link to Community Cart in my signature.

[eluser]Jenson M John[/eluser]
Hi idealws,
Thanks for this information. I think a small correction (not in functionality) needed in the controller class authorizenet.php. I Hope "gateways/" text in the below line of code within controller class is your own library location. Is it not?


should be
I assume. Is it not?



You are correct. The way I have it is for the way we have our folders setup. I will make the correction, thank you for pointing this out.

[eluser]Jenson M John[/eluser]

Had a problem executing https with curl (actually not executing Smile), apparently needed to include the following 2 curl options in the process_payment function for it to execute.

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,  2);

Modified process_payment function as follows for anyone experiencing similar problems.

function process_payment() {
        foreach( $this->fields as $key => $value ) {
            $this->field_string .= "$key=" . urlencode( $value ) . "&";
        $ch = curl_init($this->gateway_url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, rtrim( $this->field_string, "& " ));

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // <<--- Here
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,  2);    // <<--- And Here :)

        $this->response_string = urldecode(curl_exec($ch));
        if (curl_errno($ch)) {
            $this->response['Response_Reason_Text'] = curl_error($ch);
            return 3;
            curl_close ($ch);
        $temp_values = explode($this->CI->config->item('authorize_net_x_delim_char'), $this->response_string);
        $temp_keys= array (
            "Response_Code", "Response_Subcode", "Response_Reason_Code", "Response_Reason_Text",
            "Approval_Code", "AVS_Result_Code", "Transaction_ID", "Invoice_Number", "Description",
            "Amount", "Method", "Transaction_Type", "Customer_ID", "Cardholder_First_Name",
            "Cardholder Last_Name", "Company", "Billing_Address", "City", "State",
            "Zip", "Country", "Phone", "Fax", "Email", "Ship_to_First_Name", "Ship_to_Last_Name",
            "Ship_to_Company", "Ship_to_Address", "Ship_to_City", "Ship_to_State",
            "Ship_to_Zip", "Ship_to_Country", "Tax_Amount", "Duty_Amount", "Freight_Amount",
            "Tax_Exempt_Flag", "PO_Number", "MD5_Hash", "Card_Code_CVV_Response Code",
        for ($i=0; $i<=27; $i++) {
            array_push($temp_keys, 'Reserved_Field '.$i);
        while (sizeof($temp_keys) < sizeof($temp_values)) {
            array_push($temp_keys, 'Merchant_Defined_Field '.$i);
        for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($temp_values);$i++) {
            $this->response["$temp_keys[$i]"] = $temp_values[$i];
        return $this->response['Response_Code'];

Development machine (Windows 7 64bit)
+ ApacheFriends XAMPP (Basispaket) version 1.7.4
+ Apache 2.2.17
+ MySQL 5.5.8 (Community Server)
+ PHP 5.3.5 (VC6 X86 32bit) + PEAR
+ OpenSSL 0.9.8o

When I try to down load the .zip file - for some reason, I'm just being taken to a blank html page. Any ideas on how/where to get the Authorize.net library?

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