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move to next row/previous row

Hi all,i'm trying to create backend for order and order details with move to next/previous order details..I got no problems with viewing single order details.But i have no idea for viewing next/previous order details..What should i do to create it?Thanks alot guys.. Here are some of my codes...

function getDetail($id)
        $data = array();
        $options = array('no_order' => id_clean($id));
        $Q = $this->db->getwhere('order_detail',$options);
        if ($Q->num_rows() > 0)
            foreach ($Q->result_array() as $row)
                $data[] = $row;
            //$data = $Q->row_array();
        return $data;

function getOrder($no)
        $data = array();
        $options = array('id' => id_clean($no));
        $Q = $this->db->getwhere('order',$options,1);
        if ($Q->num_rows() > 0)
            $data = $Q->row_array();
        return $data;

function detail($id)
    $data['title'] = "Order detail";
    $data['main'] = 'admin/order_detail';
    $data['order'] = $this->MOrder->getOrder($id);
    $data['detail']= $this->MDetail->getDetail($id);  
    if (!count($data['detail']))

Can you not use the pagination class and only show next and previous link?

Ok,thanks a lot..I'll try using paging...

Let me know how you get on.

Sorry daparky..I show all orders in one page,and create link to detail page based on order number like the pictures here :



I can't figure out how to use the paging as it was based on order number..Thanks a lot...

[eluser]Michael Wales[/eluser]
Are you trying to display previous/next links on the details page? Is the order number always consecutive? You would probably do something like this:

// Returns the previous order number, based off of the current order number
function get_previous($order_num = NULL) {
  // SQL: SELECT order_num FROM orders WHERE order_num < '0005' ORDER BY order_num DESC LIMIT 1
  $this->db->order_by('order_num', DESC);
  $query = $this->db->get_where('orders', array('order_num <', $order_num), 1, 0);
  if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
    return $query->row()->order_num;
  return FALSE;

// Returns the next order number, based off of the currently viewed order
function get_next($order_num = NULL) {
  // SQL: SELECT order_num FROM orders WHERE order_num > '0005' ORDER BY order_num ASC LIMIT 1
  $this->db->order_by('order_num', ASC);
  $query = $this->db->get_where('orders', array('order_num >', $order_num), 1, 0);
  if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
    return $query->row()->order_num;
  return FALSE;

Call both of those functions in your controller, assigning them to variables that will be passed to your view. Then just link it up within the view.

Yes i do Michael,i'll try it..Thanks a lot..I will post the results here...By the way,what if the order number was combined with i.e date?

Hi Michael,i'm trying the code you gave me this way..

create table if not exists `order` (
`id` int(1) unsigned not null auto_increment,
`no_order` int(11) not null,
`custid` int(10) unsigned not null,
`tgl_pesan` date not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`tgl_kirim` date not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`total` decimal(12,0) NOT NULL default '0',
`comments` varchar(255) default NULL,
`status` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
KEY `idx_custid` (`custid`)
INSERT INTO `order` (`id`, `no_order`, `custid`, `tgl_pesan`, `tgl_kirim`, `total`, `comments`, `status`) VALUES
(1, 1, 1, '2009-10-23', '0000-00-00', 100000, NULL, 0),
(2, 2, 2, '2009-10-24', '0000-00-00', 10000, NULL, 0);

create table if not exists `order_detail` (
`id` int(11) unsigned not null auto_increment,
`no_order` int(11) not null,
`tgl` date,
`produk_id` int(10) unsigned not null default '0',
`nama_produk` varchar(70) not null default '0',
`harga` decimal(10,0) not null default '0',
`qty` char(2) not null default '0',
`total` decimal(10,0) not null default '0',
INSERT INTO `order_detail` (`id`, `no_order`, `tgl`, `produk_id`, `nama_produk`, `harga`, `qty`, `total`) VALUES
(1, 1, '2009-10-23', 1, 'test', 100000, '1', 100000);

function detail($id)
    $data['title'] = "Order detail";
    $data['main'] = 'admin/order_detail';
    $data['order'] = $this->MOrder->getOrder($id);
    $data['detail']= $this->MDetail->getDetail($id);
    if (!count($data['detail']))
  // Returns the previous order number, based off of the current order number
  function get_previous($id)
  // SQL: SELECT order_num FROM orders WHERE order_num < '0005' ORDER BY order_num DESC LIMIT 1
  $this->db->order_by('no_order', DESC);
  $query = $this->db->getwhere('order', array( 'no_order <',$id));
  if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
    return $query->row()->no_order;
  return FALSE;

  // Returns the next order number, based off of the currently viewed order
  function get_next($id)
  // SQL: SELECT order_num FROM orders WHERE order_num > '0005' ORDER BY order_num ASC LIMIT 1
  $this->db->order_by('no_order', ASC);
  $query = $this->db->getwhere('order', array('no_order >', $id), 1, 0);
  if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
    return $query->row()->no_order;
  return FALSE;

<h1>&lt;?php echo $title;?&gt;</h1>
if ($this->session->flashdata('message')){
    echo "<div class='message'>".$this->session->flashdata('message')."</div>";
echo "<p><label for='prev'>Prev : ".anchor("admin/order/detail/".$order['no_order'],$list['no_order'])."</label>";
echo "|";
echo "<p><label for='next'>Next : ".anchor("admin/order/detail/".$order['no_order'],$list['no_order'])."</label><br/>";

echo "<p><label for='orderid'>No Order : ".$order['no_order']."</label><br/>";
echo "<p><label for='orderid'>Tanggal Pesan : ".$order['tgl_pesan']."</label><br/>";

echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' width='600'>\n";
    echo "<tr valign='top'>\n";
    echo "<th>Nama Produk</th>\n<th>Qty</th>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";

if (count($detail)){
    foreach ($detail as $key => $list){
        echo "<tr valign='top'>\n";
        echo "<td>".$list['nama_produk']."</td>";
        echo "<td>".$list['qty']."</td>\n";
        echo "</td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>";

When i try to run it,it gives me
Unknown column '0' in 'where clause'

SELECT `no_order` FROM (`order`) WHERE `0` = 'no_order <' AND `1` = '1' ORDER BY `no_order` DESC


[eluser]Michael Wales[/eluser]
You are calling the getwhere() method twice in your model.
$query = $this->db->getwhere('order', array( 'no_order <',$id));

1) The method is actually called get_where. I didn't know getwhere() would work, but I imagine its a remnant from earlier CI days. Probably best to correct this now, in case it gets deprecated in future releases.

2) This is an error in my code example - I wasn't really paying attention. The second parameter is an array where the key is the column and value is the value you want to search for. The array you and I are passing (since we're only defining values) looks like this:
Array (
  [0] => 'no_order',
  [1] => 1

This is why you are getting that MySQL error. The actual code for the get_where() call should be:
$query = $this->db->getwhere('order', array( 'no_order <' => $id));

So our array would then be formatted as:
Array (
  ['no_order'] => 12345

Sorry about that! Make sure you change the code in both methods!

Thank Michael,i got it working already..Suppose i combine it with string or date,then i have to explode it first,do i?Thanks Michael.. ^_^

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