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How to : Overwrite the config.php file.

This is an additional method to keep your config updated from your admin backend using FTP.
<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Setup{

public $ci ;
public function __construct()
        $this->ci =& get_instance();        
public function ftp_config($config_items)
    $file =  read_file(APPPATH.'config/config.php');
    if(! @file_exists(APPPATH.'config/ftp.php'))
            return 1 ;
    if(! is_array($config_items) )
            return 2 ;
    $config['hostname'] = $this->ci->config->item('ftp_hostname') ;
    $config['username'] = $this->ci->config->item('ftp_username') ;
    $config['password'] = $this->ci->config->item('ftp_password') ;
    $config['port']    = $this->ci->config->item('ftp_port') ;
    $config['debug'] = FALSE;
    $ftp_path = $this->ci->config->item('ftp_path') ;

            return 3 ;
            $root_folders = $this->ci->ftp->list_files() ;
            $known_roots  = array('www','httpdocs','wwwroot','public_html');
            foreach($root_folders AS $root)
                            $ftp_path = '/'.$root.'/' ;
        $filename = $ftp_path.'system/application/config/config.php';
        if(! $this->ci->ftp->chmod($filename, FILE_WRITE_MODE))
                return 4 ;
    foreach($config_items AS $item=>$value)
        if($value == 'TRUE' || $value == 'FALSE' || is_numeric($value))
            $pattern = '/(\$config\[(\'|"){1}'.$item.'(\'|"){1}\])(\s|\t)*={1}(\s|\t)*(TRUE|FALSE|\d+)(\s|\t)*;{1}/ix';    
            $file = preg_replace($pattern,'$config[\''.$item.'\'] = '.$value.' ;',$file);            
            $value = str_replace(array("'",'\\'),'',$value);    
            $pattern =     '/(\$config\[(\'|"){1}'.$item.'(\'|"){1}\])(\s|\t)*={1}(\s|\t)*(\'|"){0,1}.*(\'|"){1}(\s|\t)*;{1}/ix';
            $file = preg_replace($pattern,'$config[\''.$item.'\'] = \''.$value.'\' ;',$file);        
    if(! write_file(APPPATH.'config/config.php', $file) )
            return 5 ;
    if(! $this->ci->ftp->chmod($filename, FILE_READ_MODE))
                return 6 ;
    return 0 ;

As you can see , the ftp_config() function allows us to retrieve an array and write its keys/values to our config.php file .

Of course we need a new configuration file for our ftp connection , just create in the config folder and name it ftp.php:
$config['ftp_hostname'] = 'my host';
$config['ftp_port'] = '21';
$config['ftp_timeout'] = '90';
$config['ftp_username'] = 'myusername';
$config['ftp_password'] = 'mypassword';
$config['ftp_path'] = '/path/to/my/ci/installation/';

Let's say, in our config.php file we would have :
$config['sess_use_database']    = TRUE;
$config['sess_table_name']    = 'ci_sessions';
$config['sess_time_to_update']     = 300;

And we would like to overwrite these values ,then we would do :
$data['sess_use_database']    = $this->input->post('sess_use_database',TRUE);
$data['sess_table_name']    = $this->input->post('sess_table_name',TRUE);
$data['sess_time_to_update']    = $this->input->post('sess_time_to_update',TRUE);
        $overwrite = $this->setup->ftp_config($data);
                case 0:
                    echo "Everything went OK";
                case 1:
                    echo "Missing ftp.php FILE";
                case 2:
                    echo "Please supply an array as argument";
                case 3:
                    echo "Incorrect FTP Data";
                case 4:
                    echo "Can't chmod to 0666";
                case 5:
                    echo "Can't write to config file";
                case 6:
                    echo "Cannot chmod to 0644";

It's not big deal at all , you have to remember two things :
1. Always the array keys of the array that you pass to the method must have the same name as the ones from config.php file .
2. I did not find any method to escape the single quotes and the backslashes, so i destroy them before i save the configuration file.
Hope it helps Smile

Oh , i forgot to say that i use ftp to overwrite the file because i hate the ideea that config.php will be always writeable by everyone and as far as i know is a security risk too.

is there any other method beside using ftp?

[quote author="Twisted1919" date="1256616093"]
Oh , i forgot to say that i use ftp to overwrite the file because i hate the ideea that config.php will be always writeable by everyone and as far as i know is a security risk too.

Whereas FTP has such a shining history in the security realm. </sarcasm>

I can't but help feel that while this is interesting code, it kind of misses the point of config files - shouldn't the kind of data that you are shuffling around here just be kept in a database?

Yes i know FTP is not the most secure protocol, but hey better than nothing right ?
Quote:I can’t but help feel that while this is interesting code, it kind of misses the point of config files - shouldn’t the kind of data that you are shuffling around here just be kept in a database?
Yes, but we can have an alternative , why not showing it ?
(maybe it can be used if your config items number is too high ) .

@Paulus - Yes , keep your config.php file chmoded to 0666, and use only the regexp from the library .

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