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src images

could you please tell me where can i place my images folder in CI

to make my image source

create new folder as images next to index.php you can use like this src="'.base_url().'images/logo.jpg"

/images/ is always relative to the current document, so the path would only work for pages in the same level as the folder.

I put my images folder in my root and let CI generate the absolute path for me, as the poster above did. It is just a little extra code but saves me time when it comes to taking the site live.

<img src="&lt;?= base_url() . 'image.jpg'; ?&gt;" />

what i did -> i create folder and call it images @ codeigniter/images
and place jpg image logo.jpg
and then i tried to call it from the following code
<a href="&lt;?php echo base_url(); ?&gt; ">
<img src=" &lt;?php echo base_url();?&gt; /images/logo.jpg" border="0"/>
<div> &lt;?php echo anchor("welcome/about_us","about us");?&gt; &nbsp;
&lt;?php echo anchor("welcome/contact", "contact");?&gt;
&lt;?php echo base_url() . "welcome/contact" ; ?&gt;
echo form_open("welcome/search");
$data = array(
"name" => "term",
"id" => "term",
"maxlength" => "64",
"size" => 30
echo form_input($data);
echo form_submit("submit","search");
echo form_close();
nothing happened

You did all of that above code and nothing happened? You running it on a webserver (e.g. Apache) and using the extension .php, right? Just trying to cover the bases...

actually sprise iam using xampp and what u mean by covering the bases ??
and what i did is the right ?

I put my images folder in my root and let CI generate the absolute path for me, as the poster above did. It is just a little extra code but saves me time when it comes to taking the site live.

[eluser]Bas Vermeulen[/eluser]
Meh, I like to keep things organized. I have a folder called public, in there I have some more folders including an image folder Wink

@minagabriel: are you on linux? Cause if you are, you might want to check the permissions of your images and the image folder Smile

no iam not iam using win7

do u guys now any tutorial explaining this

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