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$CI->db object pointing to the wrong database

Specifically I'm attempting to use the Google Maps API library as found on the wiki at http://codeigniter.com/wiki/Google_Maps_API_V3_Library/ to map a bunch of addresses from the database on a map.

It, like most other libraries, has to use get_instance() or whatever to get its CI object. The only database querying it does that I can see is for the geocode caching. Now, in my project, I actually use two databases. One is my default database that is always loaded, and another one I connect to in certain models. In my models that use this database I have a private $CMAX variable and in the constructor I connect to it as follows:

$this->CMAX = $this->load->database('cmax', TRUE);

From then on I can use $this->CMAX to interact with that database while still using $this->db to interact with my primary database. However, I've run into a problem. The geocode cache table is in my primary database which doesn't seem like a problem. In my script, I call a model that uses the secondary database to retrieve a bunch of addresses and return the list to my controller at which point I loop through and add them all as markers. This logic seems sound in my head but when I try to execute it I get an error saying that the "geocode_cache" table does not exist in my secondary database, which is true, it exists in my primary database which is what I expected it to be using.

The line where the GMap library queries the database seems to be as following
$_res = $this->CI->db->select('lat,lng')->from($this->_db_cache_table)->where('query', strtolower($address))->get();

Now, it uses $this->CI->db which should reference my primary default database, correct? for some reason it's apparently hitting my second database. Is this a bug or something? If I remove the bits of code that query the secondary database and just hardcode in a sample address it works fine.

Here's my full controller function for this:
        $addrs = $this->account_model->get_fields('fullname, filenumber, clientname, address, city, state, zip');
        foreach($addrs as $a)
            $fullAddress = $a['address'] . ', ' . $a['city'] . ' ' . $a['state'] . ' ' . $a['zip'];
            $this->gmap->addMarkerByAddress($fullAddress, "#{$a['filenumber']} - {$a['fullname']}", "Client of {$a['clientname']}");

        $data['headerjs'] = $this->gmap->getHeaderJS();
        $data['headermap'] = $this->gmap->getMapJS();
        $data['onload'] = $this->gmap->printOnLoad();
        $data['map'] = $this->gmap->printMap();
        $data['sidebar'] = $this->gmap->printSidebar();

        $this->load->view('geo', $data);

Also, as an unrelated question, are the addresses I add as markers ever sent to Google's servers? This is an in-house web application and the addresses are technically private information and thus need to stay between my webserver and the local workstations viewing it.

Bump. Still don't know whether I'm doing something wrong or if this is a bug...

I can't reproduce it.

I've done a test install of a standard CI 1.7.2.

In config/database.php I've created two entries, 'system', which is loaded by default, and 'test'. I have the database library autoloaded. I then created a library testlib. In the index method of the welcome controller, I added

The library itself:
<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Testlib
    function test()
        $CI =& get_instance();

        // default database instance
        $query = $CI->db->get('users');

        // our local database instance
        $this->CMAX = $CI->load->database('test', TRUE);
        $query = $this->CMAX->get('users');

This works as advertised. The var_dumps() of the database objects show two different configurations, and both queries return different results.

If I change $this->CMAX to $CI->CMAX, the profiler picks the object up, and shows me the queries for both databases.

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