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How to pass variable value to another view?

Hi Everyone,

I m stuck somewhere passing values between different view.
Let me explain my problem.

I have a controller: category.php
class Category extends Controller{
  function Category(){
  function index(){
    $data['catname'] = 'Development';
    $data['page'] = 'home';

In this controller I am passing two value first is category name and second is page name which I will use in my template.
Here is my template code include/template.php

In my header view I am changing the value of catname variable.
$catname = "New Development";

echo $catname;// Printing old value...

Now problem is that when I am trying to print catname using my second view its showing me old value not updated one. So can anyone please suggest me how can I accomplish this.
I have tried GLOBAL varibale too but unable to solve this problem.

I am new to php and codeigniter so please suggest me.

Many thanks in advance.

[eluser]Eric Barnes[/eluser]
If you are changing the variable in another then you would have to pass it to the sub view.
$this->load->view($page, $catname); ?>

Although more than likely this would best done in the controller.

Hi Eric,

Thanks for reply.

But I am using only one template for whole website and this requirement is only for 3-4 pages and every page have different-2 variable..

Is there any other way to get this.

Alok Rawat,
I would suggest setting a config value at runtime with the original 'catname', and when you load your second view call the config value.

It would look something like this.

controller: category.php
class Category extends Controller{
  function Category(){
  function index(){
    $data['catname'] = 'Development';
    $this->config->set_item('originalcatname', 'Development');
    $data['page'] = 'home';

$catname = "New Development";

echo $this->config->item('originalcatname'); // Print Stored Value

The details can be found at here

I have same question a week ago and found the solution at http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/88335/#445375

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