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Pagination problem

Helo. I'm trying to make a items pagination. I have 3 function, first displaying category, 2nd displaying sucategory. 3rd displaying items is cold get_books_by_subcategory. 3rd function get a segment->url(3) argumnet, i want to make a pagination in the same function. but i cant do it.

This is functions code in controller:
function get_category()
            $query = $this->Kategorie_model->get_category();
            $this->response['podkategorie'] = '';
            $this->response['kategorie'] = '';
            $podkategorie = '';

            if($query->num_rows() > 0)
                foreach($query->result() as $item)
                    $podkategorie = $this->get_sub_category($item->CAT_ID);
                    $this->response['kategorie'] .=  $this->load->view('Ksiegarnia/left', array('kategorie' =>$item, 'podkategorie'=>$podkategorie), true);

            $data = $this->response['kategorie'];
            return $data;


         function get_sub_category($id)

               $this->response['wynik'] = '';

               $query = $this->Kategorie_model->get_sub_category($id);
               if($query->num_rows() > 0)

                    foreach($query->result() as $row)

                       $link = site_url('ksiegarnia/get_books_by_subcategory/'.$row->SUBC_ID);
                        $this->response['wynik'] .= '<div class="subcat_name"><a href = "'.$link.'">'.$row->SUBC_Name.'</a></div>';

                    $this->response['wynik'] = '<H1>BRAK DANYCH </H1>';

                return $this->response['wynik'];

        function get_books_by_subcategory()
            $widok['center'] = '';
             $widok['left'] = $this->get_category();
             $widok['right'] = $this->load->view('Ksiegarnia/right', '', true);
              $id = $this->uri->segment(3);
            if(isset($id) and is_numeric($id))
                 $query = $this->Kategorie_model->get_books_by_subcategory($id, $this->uri->segment(4));

                 if($query->num_rows() > 0)
                    foreach($query->result() as $item)

                        $widok['center'] .=  $this->load->view('Ksiegarnia/get_books', array('data' =>$item), true);

                    $widok['center'] = $this->load->view('Ksiegarnia/get_books', array('tytul' =>'<h1>brak danych</h1>'), true);;

                $widok['center'] .= $this->pagination->create_links();
                 $this->load->view('Ksiegarnia/index', $widok);




And this is my model:
function get_books_by_subcategory($id, $offset=0)

                      $config['base_url'] = 'http://lukaszbielecki.cba.pl/ksiegarnia/CI/index.php/ksiegarnia/get_books_by_subcategory/'.$id.'/'.$offset;
                      $config['per_page'] = 7;
                      $this->db->where('SUB_CATEGORY_SUBC_ID', $id);

                      $config['total_rows'] = $this->db->get('books')->num_rows();
                      $config['num_links'] = 20;

             return   $this->db->get('books',$config['per_page'],$offset);
              //$wynik = $this->db->query("Select * from books where SUB_CATEGORY_SUBC_ID = '".$id."'");
              //return $wynik;

The arguments in url is changing, but dispalyin only a items from first subcategory.
Help, please.

Try, after the model call, echo this:

return   $this->db->get('books',$config['per_page'],$offset);
$return = $this->db->get('books',$config['per_page'],$offset);
echo $this->db->last_query();
return $return;

See the SQL statement and check if LIMIT exists inside.


the echo displaying: SELECT * FROM (`books`) LIMIT 7 all the time.

[quote author="penta997" date="1295396330"]the echo displaying: SELECT * FROM (`books`) LIMIT 7 all the time.[/quote]

Your code:
$this->db->where('SUB_CATEGORY_SUBC_ID', $id);
return   $this->db->get('books',$config['per_page'],$offset);

but when you debug the sql statemente
SELECT * FROM (`books`) LIMIT 7

Where is your WHERE condition (WHERE SUBCATEGORY_SUBC_ID = $id) and $offset var?
Maybe $id and $offset vars are empty or false.
Try to debug them:

These variables are empty, my guess. Are you really sure that your link it's something like that:
**ID** => $this->uri->segment(3)
**OFFSET** => $this->uri->segment(4)

I've changed the base_url to:
$config['base_url'] = 'http://lukaszbielecki.cba.pl/ksiegarnia/CI/index.php/ksiegarnia/get_books_by_subcategory/'.$id;
it was my mistake, becouse in browser i have an address for ex:http://lukaszbielecki.cba.pl/ksiegarnia/CI/index.php/ksiegarnia/get_books_by_subcategory/2/0/7
now when i displayng vardump i have: string(1) "3" bool(false) without $offset var in base url.

now i have weird situation. I've changed code:
function get_books_by_subcategory()
            $widok['center'] = '';
             $widok['left'] = $this->get_category();
             $widok['right'] = $this->load->view('Ksiegarnia/right', '', true);
              $id = $this->uri->segment(3);
              $offset = $this->uri->segment(4);
            if(isset($id) and is_numeric($id))
                 $query = $this->Kategorie_model->get_books_by_subcategory($id,$offset);
                   $config['base_url'] = 'http://lukaszbielecki.cba.pl/ksiegarnia/CI/index.php/ksiegarnia/get_books_by_subcategory/'.$id;
                      $config['per_page'] = 7;

                      $this->db->where('SUB_CATEGORY_SUBC_ID', $id);
                      $config['total_rows'] =  $this->db->get('books')->num_rows();
                      $config['num_links'] = 20;

                       //$query =  $this->db->get('books',  $config['per_page'], $offset );

                 if($query->num_rows() > 0)
                    foreach($query->result() as $item)

                        $widok['center'] .=  $this->load->view('Ksiegarnia/get_books', array('data' =>$item), true);
                    $widok['center'] = $this->load->view('Ksiegarnia/get_books', array('tytul' =>'<h1>brak danych</h1>'), true);

                $widok['center'] .= $this->pagination->create_links();
                 $this->load->view('Ksiegarnia/index', $widok);




function get_books_by_subcategory($id, $offset=7)

                     $this->db->where('SUB_CATEGORY_SUBC_ID', $id);
                     $this->db->orderby("SUB_CATEGORY_SUBC_ID", "desc");
             //return   $this->db->get('books',$config['per_page'],$offset);
              //$wynik = $this->db->query("Select * from books where SUB_CATEGORY_SUBC_ID = '".$id."'");
              //return $wynik;
                       $return = $this->db->get('books',7,$offset);
                       echo  var_dump($this->uri->segment(3));
                       echo  var_dump($this->uri->segment(4));
                        return $return;

now pagination almost working for first 6 subcategorys(links form pagination not changen on using link or visited), when i click 7th subcategory the links from pgination starting from 2nd link and all the time 2nd link displaying as using link.
Maybe if I paste website link it will be easier?

Hi. Sorry about the delay

Back to basics
Controller (main.php)
function books( $category, $start = 0 )
  //You can use $start or $this->uri->segment(3)
  //I prefer to put as a param of method
  //Tomorrow I can debug a little faster (IMO)
  $this->load->model('book_model', 'Book');
  //Go Pagination, go!
  $config['base_url'] = base_url().'main/books/'.$category;
  //Only if you'r using PHP 5
  $config['total_rows'] = $this->Book->get_by_category($category)->num_rows();
  $config['per_page'] = 7;
  $config['num_links'] = 20; //UHULL
  $data['links'] = $this->pagination->create_links();

  $data['books'] = $this->Book->get_by_category($category, $start, $config['per_page']);
  $this->load->view('books_view', $data);

Model (book_model.php)
function get_by_category( $category, $start = FALSE, $end = FALSE )
  $this->db->where('category', $category);
  if ( $start !== FALSE AND $end !== FALSE )
    $this->db->limit($start, $end);

  return $this->db->get('books');

Anyway, you can put the url to see if there is a problem. I doubt we can find the issue with url ^_^

About the links from pagination didn't work, try to config $config['uri_segment'] = 3;


I've added $config['uri_segment']=4 and pagigation working Big Grin. Thank you very much. But I still dont undrestand why this paranormal things have a place :/

If you don't set uri_segment, the default will be always 3.
Your case must be 4.

Nothing from Mars :coolsmile:

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