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AJAX uploader

Hello, i'm trying to make an AJAX uploader and i did not work for now, but yesterday it works, haha.

$('form.#upload-photo').submit(function() {
        $.ajaxFileUpload ({
            url: 'players/uploadPhoto',
            secureuri: false,
            fileElementId: 'playerphoto',
            dataType: 'json',
            data: {
                'csrf_token_name': $('input[name=csrf_token_name]').val(),
                'playerid': $('input[name=playerid]').val()
   success: function (data, status) {
                $('#dialog1 .message').removeClass('succes, warning, error')
                $('#dialog1 .message').fadeOut(250).addClass(data.type).fadeIn(250).html(data.message);
  return false;

This is my view:
<?= form_open_multipart('', array('method' => 'post', 'id' => 'upload-photo')); ?>
                     <?= form_input(array(
                                         'id' => 'playerid',
                                         'name' => 'playerid',
                                         'value' => @$row->playerID,
                                         'type' => 'hidden'));
                     <?= form_input(array(
                                         'id' => 'playerphoto',
                                         'name' => 'playerphoto',
                                         'type' => 'file',
                                         'class' => 'selectfile'));
                     ?&gt;<br />
                     &lt;?= form_submit('submit', 'Uploaden', 'id="submit"'); ?&gt;
                    &lt;?= form_close(); ?&gt;

And this is my controller:
function uploadPhoto() {
        $this->form_validation->set_rules('playerid', 'playerID', 'required|trim|numeric');

        if ($this->form_validation->run() == true)
            $valid = false;
            $message = 'Het uploaden is mislukt';
            $config['upload_path'] = 'media/uploads/images/players/';
            $config['allowed_types'] = 'jpg|jpeg|png|gif';
            $config['remove_spaces'] = true;
            $config['overwrite'] = true;
            $config['file_name'] = sha1($this->input->post('playerid')) . '.jpg';
            if ($this->upload->do_upload('playerphoto') AND chmod('media/uploads/images/players/' . sha1($this->input->post('playerid')) . '.jpg', 0777))
                $config['image_library'] = 'gd2';
                $config['source_image'] = 'media/uploads/images/players/' . sha1($this->input->post('playerid')) . '.jpg';
                $config['width'] = 150;
                $config['height'] = 150;
                $config['quality'] = '100%';
                if ($this->image_lib->initialize($config) AND $this->image_lib->resize())
                    $valid = true;
                    $message = 'Het uploaden is gelukt';

            General::jsonArray($valid, $message);


I hope that anybody can help me. CodeIgniter says i don't have selected a file to upload.

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