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Radio Button Problem

I need a little help please. After my form is submitted, I cannot get my radio buttons to return a value

<input type="radio" name="years" value="1" <?php echo set_radio('years', '1', TRUE); ?> />
<strong class="label">1 Year</strong>
&lt;input type="radio" name="years" value="2" &lt;?php echo set_radio('years', '2'); ?&gt; /&gt;
<strong class="label">2 Years</strong>
&lt;input type="radio" name="years" value="3" &lt;?php echo set_radio('years', '3'); ?&gt; /&gt;
<strong class="label">3 Years</strong>


$order = array(
'customer' => $result->customer,
'order_date'  => $result->order_date,
'po_number' => $result->po_number,
'order_type' => $result->order_type,
'product' => $product,
'serial' => $this->input->post('serial'),
'ship_id' => $result->ship_id,
'years'  => $this->input->post('years'),
'cost'  => $this->get_maintenance_cost($years, $product)


  'customer' => string 'ASAP BOOKKEEPING' (length=16)
  'order_date' => string '2012-05-08' (length=10)
  'po_number' => string 'Email 2012-05-08' (length=16)
  'order_type' => string 'SOLD' (length=4)
  'product' => string 'OptiQroute 2120 R SW US' (length=23)
  'serial' => string '080900037' (length=9)
  'ship_id' => string '2012A00001' (length=10)
  'years' => boolean false
  'cost' => int 0

I do not understand why 'years' is returning Boolean and not the chosen value

The form radio buttons and checkboxes do not return a value unless they are checked!

Thanks for responding. I believe I have the radio buttons returning a default value of "1", but it's not working. 

can you past the full form, i copy/past your radio piece of the form in a view and a quick function in a controller and it works.
view :
echo form_open('go');

&lt;input type="radio" name="years" value="1" &lt;?php echo set_radio('years', 1, TRUE); ?&gt; /&gt;
<strong class="label">1 Year</strong>
&lt;input type="radio" name="years" value="2" &lt;?php echo set_radio('years', 2); ?&gt; /&gt;
<strong class="label">2 Years</strong>
&lt;input type="radio" name="years" value="3" &lt;?php echo set_radio('years', 3); ?&gt; /&gt;
<strong class="label">3 Years</strong>

echo form_submit('go', 'Submit!');
echo form_close();


public function go()
$years = $this->input->post('years');


its returning a string thought, do you have a years var as an integer or array.... looks like php is telling you bad var type.

hope it help.


I think the problem here is that your radio button group needs to be renamed slightly.

Instead of

It states in the Form Validation section of the user manual that:
"If you use an array as the name of a form field, you must supply it as an array to the function."

Hope that helps

Here is my full view file. It uses Ajax on submit to validate input fields in the Controller. If inputs are fine then it passes control to the Model.

Thanks for the help everyone.


//create input field data
$client = array(
  'name' => 'customer',
  'id'  => 'customer',
  'value' => $this->session->userdata('customer')

//create input field data
$po_number = array(
  'name' => 'po_number',
  'id'  => 'po_number',
  'value' => $this->session->userdata('po_number')

//create input field data
$ship_number = array(
  'name' => 'ship_number',
  'id'  => 'ship_number',
  'value' => $this->session->userdata('ship_id')

$readonly = 'readonly';
$id_1 = 'id="product"';
$id_2 = 'id="serial"';

$units  = $this->session->userdata('units');
$unit_count = $this->session->userdata('unit_count');



<div id="units_to_ship">
<h1>Add Products</h1>
<fieldset id="fieldset">
  <legend class="legend">&lt;?php echo "{$unit_count} of {$units} Products Added"; ?&gt;</legend>
  echo form_open('')."\n"; //controller/method
  <div id="add_to_order">
   <div id="order_details">
    <div id="order_details_left">
     <label class="label" for="customer">Customer: </label>&lt;?php echo form_input($client, '', $readonly)."\n"; ?&gt;
    <div id="order_details_middle">
     <label class="label" for="po_number">PO Number: </label>&lt;?php echo form_input($po_number, '', $readonly)."\n"; ?&gt;
    <div id="order_details_right">
     <label class="label" for="ship_number">Shipping Number: </label>&lt;?php echo form_input($ship_number, '', $readonly)."\n"; ?&gt;
   </div>&lt;!--------- end order_details -----&gt;
   <br />  
   <label class="label" for="product">Product: </label>&lt;?php echo form_dropdown('product', $products, '', $id_1)."\n"; ?&gt;<br />
    $("#product").change(function() {
     var id = $('#product').val();
     if(id != ''){
      $.post("units_to_ship/display_serials", {'id' : id},
       }, "json"
   <div id="show_serial">
    <label class="label" for="serial">Serial: </label><select name="serial" id="serial"></select><br />
    if(stristr($ship_number['value'], 'A') == TRUE){
     <label class="label" for="years">Maintenance: </label>
     &lt;input type = "radio" name = "years" value = "1" &lt;?php echo set_radio('years', '1', TRUE); ?&gt; /&gt;
     <strong class="label">1 Year</strong>
     &lt;input type = "radio" name = "years" value = "2" &lt;?php echo set_radio('years', '2'); ?&gt; /&gt;
     <strong class="label">2 Years</strong>
     &lt;input type = "radio" name = "years" value = "3" &lt;?php echo set_radio('years', '3'); ?&gt; /&gt;
     <strong class="label">3 Years</strong>
  </div>&lt;!--------- end add_to_order -----&gt;
  echo form_submit('submit', 'Submit', 'id="submit"');
  &lt;!--------- form validation on submit  -----&gt;
   $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#submit').click(function() {
     var form_data = {
      product : $('#product').val(),
      serial : $('#serial').val()
      url: "units_to_ship/ajax_check",
      type: 'POST',
      async : false,
      data: form_data,
      success: function(msg) {
       if(msg != ''){
        $("body").load("&lt;?php current_url() ?&gt;");

     return false;
<div id="errors" class="errors"></div>

var form_data = {
product : $('#product').val(),
serial : $('#serial').val()


you are not sending years var to the controller??? if yes where is the piece of code you are using?

AH!! Good catch, weboap! Thank you! Sometimes it's the little things that are missed.

I'm sure that was part of the problem, but the radio button is still returning
'years' => boolean false

It's working now. I forgot to add the id tags. Thanks again, weboap and everyone else who posted here.

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