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CI newbie needs help with page not rendering after process is sent through more then 2 functions

Hi I'm relatively new to CI and I've run across this issue a couple times.

the task i'm working on loads a main index, when a link is clicked a popup which is used to gather filters to display a view appears. once it is submitted another view with a form appears. on submission of this form it does several inserts into databases and then redirected to a generatePDF function. after output of the pdf another database insert is done and its redirected back to the index.

the redirects are all done with

I've checked all the databases and all the info is there that should of been inserted, and the pdf file is in the files folder but all it renders is a blank page. I placed a echo statement at the very end of my index and it echos the page image that should of displayed. So I know its getting there, just unsure why it won't render.

In other cases when this has happened if I placed a return; after it It would work but even that isn't working this time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Show your code.

function createNewa()
  $data['text'] = $this->lang->language;
  $data['storevis'] = 'hidden';
  $data['agentvis'] = 'hidden';
  $data['billvis'] = 'hidden';
  $data['projvis'] = 'hidden';

  $filters['facilityTypeID'] = 6;
  $billtos = $this->Warehouses->getAll($filters);
  $data['billtos'][0] = "Select Bill to Facility";
  foreach($billtos as $billto)
   $data['billtos'][$billto['warehouseID']] = $billto['name'];
  $stores = $this->companyProjectsMembers->getStores2();
  $data['stores'][0] = "Select A Store";
  foreach($stores as $store)
   if(strlen($store['storeID']) == 0)
    $meas = -1;
    $meas = strlen($store['storeID']);
   $data['stores'][$store['storeID']] = $store['storeID'].' '.str_repeat(' ', 10-$meas).' '.$store['name'].' '.str_repeat(' ',30-strlen($store['name'])-1).' '.str_repeat('-', 2).' '.$store['city'].', '.$store['state'];
  $rules['storeID'] = "trim|greater_than[0]|required";
  $this->validation->set_fields('','', $stores);
  if($_POST['process'] == '1' && $this->validation->run())

   $store = $this->companyProjectsMembers->storesStoreInfo($_POST['storeID']);
   $agents = $this->companyProjectsMembers->getAgents2();
   for($x=0; $x<count($agents); $x++)
    $agents[$x]['mileage'] = number_format(round($this->_calcDist($agents[$x]['Latitude'], $agents[$x]['Longitude'], $store[0]['Latitude'], $store[0]['Longitude']),2),2,".","");    
   foreach($agents as $key => $row)
    $mileage[$key] = $row['mileage'];
    $id[$key] = $row['agentID'];

   array_multisort($mileage, SORT_ASC, $id, SORT_ASC,  $agents);
   $data['agents'][0] = "Select a Agent";
   foreach($agents as $agent)
    if(strlen($agent['agentID']) == 0)
     $meas = -1;
     $meas = strlen($agent['agentID']);
    $data['agents'][$agent['ID']] = $agent['agentID'].' '.str_repeat('&nbsp;', 10-$meas).' '.$agent['name'].' '.str_repeat('&nbsp;',50-strlen($agent['name'])-1).' '.str_repeat('-', 2).' '.$agent['mileage'];
   $data['storevis'] = '';
   $data['agentvis'] = '';
   $data['billvis'] = '';
   $data['projvis'] = '';
   $data['sselected'] = $_POST['sselected'];
   $data['mselected'] = $_POST['mselected'];

  $housingData['contents'] = $this->load->view('/reviewProjects/createNewa', $data, true);
  $housingData['text'] = $this->lang->language;
  $this->load->view('/housing/blank', $housingData);
function _validProjName($str)
  if ($this->companyProjects->nameExists($str))
   return false;

  return true;

there is more but its a few thousand lines in total

function createNew()

  $data['text'] = $this->lang-language;
   $name = $this->_validProjName($_POST['projName']);
  if($name == '0'){
  echo '<br>false';
   $data['message'] = "The selected project name already exists please select a different one!";}
  $agentID = $this->companyProjectsMembers->getAgentIDByID($_POST['ID']);
  $agentInfo = $this->companyProjectsMembers->agentsAgentInfo($agentID['agentID']);
  $storeInfo = $this->companyProjectsMembers->storesStoreInfo($_POST['storeID']);  
  $data['billInfo'] = $this->Warehouses->getInfo($_POST['warehouseID']);
  $data['agent'] = $agentInfo[0];
  $data['store'] = $storeInfo[0];
  $data['projName'] = $_POST['projName'];
  $data['orderNum'] = $_POST['orderNum'];
  $data['ID'] = $agentInfo[0]['ID'];
  $data['storeID'] = $storeInfo[0]['storeID'];
  $data['projectName'] = $_POST['projName'];
  $data['orderNumber'] = $_POST['orderNum'];
  $data['warehouseID'] = $_POST['warehouseID'];
  if($_POST['process'] == '1')

   if($_POST['projname'] != '')

    $name1 = $this->_validProjName($_POST['projname']);

   if($name1 == '0')

    $data['message'] = "The selected project name already exists please select a different one!";
   $data['projName'] = $_POST['projname'];
  if($_POST['process'] == '2')
   if($_POST['projname'] != '')
    $exists = $this->companyProjects->nameExists($_POST['projname']);
    if(count($exists) > 0 )
     $data['message'] = "Your selected name already exists.<br>Please choose a different name.";
    if(count($exists) == 0)
     $pdata['name'] = $_POST['projname'];
     $pdata['companyID'] = $this->userInfo['companyID'];
     $pdata['OrderNo'] = $_POST['orderNum'];
     $pdata['billName'] = $_POST['billName'];
     $pdata['billAddress'] = $_POST['billAddress'];
     $pdata['billCity'] = $_POST['billCity'];
     $pdata['billState'] = $_POST['billState'];
     $pdata['billZip'] = $_POST['billZip'];
     $pdata['billPO'] = $_POST['billtoPoNum'];
     $pdata['billEmail'] = $_POST['billEmail'];
     $pdata['originPickup'] = $_POST['pickDateTime'];
     $pdata['originShipper'] = $_POST['shipper'];
     $pdata['originAddress1'] = $_POST['sAddress1'];
     $pdata['originAddress2'] = $_POST['sAddress2'];
     $pdata['originCity'] = $_POST['sCity'];
     $pdata['originState'] = $_POST['sState'];
     $pdata['originZip'] = $_POST['sZip'];
     $pdata['originContact'] = $_POST['sContact'];
     $pdata['originPhone'] = $_POST['sPhone'];
     $pdata['numMen'] = $_POST['numMen'];
     $pdata['numStraight'] = $_POST['numStrTrucks'];
     $pdata['numTrailer'] = $_POST['numTractorTrk'];
     $pdata['liftGate'] = $_POST['liftGate'];
     $pdata['blanket'] = $_POST['BnS'];
     $pdata['furniture'] = $_POST['furnDolly'];
     $pdata['appliance'] = $_POST['appDolly'];
     $pdata['palletJack'] = $_POST['palletJack'];
     $pdata['insidePickup'] = $_POST['inPickup'];
     $pdata['dockPickup'] = $_POST['dockPickup'];
     $pdata['dockDel'] = $_POST['DockDel'];
     $pdata['insideDel'] = $_POST['inDel'];
     $pdata['unpack'] = $_POST['unpack'];
     $pdata['debrisRem'] = $_POST['debRem'];
     $pdata['setup'] = $_POST['setupAssem'];
     $pdata['packingMat'] = $_POST['packMat'];
     $pdata['jBar'] = $_POST['jBar'];
     $pdata['originInst'] = $_POST['originInst'];
     $pdata['destInst'] = $_POST['destInst'];
     $pdata['descr1'] = $_POST['descr1'];
     $pdata['descr2'] = $_POST['descr2'];
     $pdata['descr3'] = $_POST['descr3'];
     $pdata['inventoryNote1'] = $_POST['inven1'];
     $pdata['inventoryNote2'] = $_POST['inven2'];
     $pdata['inventoryNote3'] = $_POST['inven3'];
     $pdata['inventoryNote4'] = $_POST['inven4'];
     $pdata['image1'] = $_POST['img1'];
     $pdata['image2'] = $_POST['img2'];
     $pdata['image3'] = $_POST['img3'];
     $pdata['notes'] = $_POST['notes'];
     $projectID = $this->companyProjects->createProject($pdata);
     if(!empty($_POST['agentNum']) && !empty($_POST['destName']))
      $assignData['agentID'] = $_POST['agentNum'];
      $assignData['storeID'] = $_POST['destName'];
      $assignData['companyProjectsID'] = $projectID;
      $assignData['companyID'] = $storeInfo[0]['companyID'];

      $aExists = $this->companyProjectsMembers->agentExists($_POST['agentNum'], $projectID);
      $aaExists = $this->companyProjectsMembers->agentExistsWithNoProject($_POST['agentNum']);
      if(count($aaExists) > 0)
       $aData['projectID'] = $projectID;
       $this->companyProjectsMembers->updateAgents($aaExists['ID'], $aData);

[code] if(count($aExists) == 0 && count($aaExists) == 0)
$agentInfo = $this->companyProjectsMembers->agentsAgentInfo($_POST['agentNum']);
$agent = $agentInfo[0];

$aData['agentID'] = $agent['agentID'];
$aData['companyID'] = $agent['companyID'];
$aData['projectID'] = $projectID;
$aData['name'] = $agent['name'];
$aData['address1'] = $agent['address1'];
$aData['city'] = $agent['city'];
$aData['state'] = $agent['state'];
$aData['zip'] = $agent['zip'];
$aData['postalCode'] = $agent['postalCode'];
$aData['country'] = $agent['country'];
$aData['phone'] = $agent['phone'];
$aData['contact'] = $agent['contact'];
$aData['email'] = $agent['email'];
$aData['companyCategoryID'] = $agent['companyCategoryID'];
$aData['Latitude'] = $agent['Latitude'];
$aData['Longitude'] = $agent['Longitude'];



$sExists = $this->companyProjectsMembers->agentExists($_POST['destName'], $projectID);
$ssExists = $this->companyProjectsMembers->agentExistsWithNoProject($_POST['destName']);
if(count($ssExists) > 0)
$sData['projectID'] = $projectID;
$this->companyProjectsMembers->updateStores($ssExists['ID'], $sData);

if(count($sExists) == 0 && count($ssExists) == 0)
$storeInfo = $this->companyProjectsMembers->storesStoreInfo($_POST['destName']);

$store = $storeInfo[0];

$sData['storeID'] = $store['storeID'];
$sData['companyID'] = $store['companyID'];
$sData['projectID'] = $projectID;
$sData['name'] = $store['name'];
$sData['address1'] = $store['address1'];
$sData['city'] = $store['city'];
$sData['state'] = $store['state'];
$sData['zip'] = $store['zip'];
$sData['postalCode'] = $store['postalCode'];
$sData['country'] = $store['country'];
$sData['phone'] = $store['phone'];
$sData['contact'] = $store['contact'];
$sData['email'] = $store['email'];
$sData['companyCategoryID'] = $store['companyCategoryID'];
$sData['Latitude'] = $store['Latitude'];
$sData['Longitude'] = $store['Longitude'];



$filters['agentID'] = $_POST['agentNum'];
$filters['storeID'] = $_POST['destName'];
$filters['notification'] = "Project name " . $_POST['projname'] . " was successfully created.";
$maxID = '';

$this->createAgentPDF($maxID, $projectID, $filters);
$data['notification'] = "Project name " . $_POST['projname'] . " was successfully created.";
$housingData['contents'] = $this->load->view('/reviewProjects/createNew', $data, true);
$housingData['text'] = $this->lang->language;
$this->load->view('/housing/blank', $housingData);
//$this->load->view('/labelTemplates/pageHousing', $data);

this is at the end of the pdf function
$filename = './uploads/rfs/'.$agent['agentID'].'_'.$projectID.'.pdf';
    $fileInfo[$i]['fileName'] = $agent['agentID'].'_'.$projectID.'.pdf';
    $fileInfo[$i]['size'] = filesize($fileInfo[$i]['fileName']);
    $fileInfo[$i]['locationType'] = 'agentPDF';
    $fileInfo[$i]['locationID'] = $agent['companyID'].$projectID;
    $pagesInfo[$agent['agentID']]['pages'] = $a;

    $file[] = $this->pdf->output($filename, 'F');

   $aaData['attachments'] = 'Y';
   foreach($agents as $agent)
    $this->companyProjectsMembers->updateAgents($agent['ID'], $aaData);
    $notification = $pagesInfo[$agent['agentID']]['pages'] . " pages for ". $agent['name'] . "<br/>" . $notification;
   foreach($fileInfo as $file)
   if($filters['notification'] != '')
    $notification0 = $filters['notification'];
   $notification1 = "The following were successfully generated!";
   $data['notification'] = $notification0.'<br>'.$notification1.'<br>'.$notification;
   if(count($filters) > 0)

to make more sense of this the createNewa is the popup. its redirected through post to the createNew function which near the bottom has the
redirect. then at the bottom of the pdf in the if statement is the redirect back to the index.

this is the image of the echo at the end of the index function. but it wont render through the load->view


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