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The Javascript function doesn't work


I have a JavaScript function that will be executed when you click the button "update" button and store the new value in a session.

But whenever I change the number in my cart and click update, he shows me a 404 error.

I work with Prototype & scriptaculous.

In my template I embedded the source:



In a another view:

echo "<tr valign='top'>\n";
   echo "<td colspan='3'>&nbsp;</td>\n";
   echo "<td>&lt;input type='button' name='update' value='Ändern' &gt;&lt;/td>\n";
   echo "</tr>\n";

Thats the function when you click on the button "update"


function jsUpdateWarenkorb() {
var parameter_string = '';

allNodes = document.getElementsByClassName("process");

for(i=0; i<allNodes.length; i++) {
  var tempid = allNodes[i].id;
  var temp = new Array;
  temp = tempid.split("_");
  var real_id = temp[2];
  var real_value = allNodes[i].value;
  parameter_string += real_id + ':' + real_value + ',';

var params = 'ids='+parameter_string;
  var ajax = new Ajax.Updater(
     'ajax_msg','/welcome/ajax_wkorb', {method:'post',parameters:params,onComplete:showMessage}

function showMessage(req) {
$('ajax_msg')[removed] = req.responseText;

Thats the Function in the Order_model:

function updateWarenkorbAjax($idlist) {
  $warenkorb = $_SESSION['warenkorb'];
  $datensaetze = explode(',', $idlist);
  $updated = 0;
  $summe = $_SESSION['summe'];
  if(count($datensaetze)) {
   foreach($datensaetze as $datensatz) {
    if(strlen($datensatz)) {
     $felder = explode(":", $datensatz);
     $id = $felder[0];
     $wk = $felder[1];
     if($wk > 0 && $wk != $warenkorb[$id]['count']) {
      $warenkorb[$id]['count'] = $wk;
     } elseif($wk == 0) {
   if($updated) {
    $summe = 0;
    foreach($warenkorb as $id => $produkt) {
     $summe += $produkt['preis'] * $produkt['count'];
    $_SESSION['summe'] = $summe;
    $_SESSION['warenkorb'] = $warenkorb;
    echo $updated . " Datensätze aktualisiert.";
   } else {
    echo "Keine &Auml;nderungen erkannt.";
  } else {
   echo "Keine &Auml;nderungen vorgenommen.";

Where is the problem?

If you're getting a 404 error, and you're not explicitly using show_404() somewhere other than your controller, then the problem is most likely with your controller - which you haven't posted your code for.

Thats the Controller:

function ajax_wkorb() {
  $this->load->model('Order_model', '', TRUE);
  return $this->Order_model->updateWarenkorbAjax($this->input->post('ids'));

Is error reporting enabled, and have you tried accessing the URL by typing it into your address bar?

sorry that is the code:

function ajax_wkorb() {

but he also doesn't work.

when I click on "update", he should give me a text that the records are updated via Ajax function.

Is error reporting enabled, and have you tried accessing the URL by typing it into your address bar?

What do you mean exactly?

what do you get if you point your browser to "your_url/welcome/ajax_wkorb".

Hej Jan,

I get the message from the order model:

else {
    echo "Keine &Auml;nderungen erkannt.";

It seems to be ok. But I can't see how you stick 'onclick' to your button? Can you revise it and check if by clicking on the button only js script executes and doesn't execute form action?

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