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Modulated Templated CMS system

Thanks. I'm getting a better picture now. Thanks for elaborating so well. Please note, that I think in Post#2 your directory structure is different, hence my seeking clarification on the structure. Your 'home' folder is not inside 'modules'.

I had not even considered nesting the modules folder, where you've shown it being a child folder. Interesting. Not sure when it would ever come to practice, but good to know.

What is the difference between modules::load and modules::run? A cursory look at the code looks like run also loads the module passed.

With reference to the line below, do you check if data['current_action'] isset in your index method of the controller then?
$this->data['current_action']=$method; //used inside my modules

This next part is probably application specific, nonetheless, anything interesting to note with the following snippet?
$content = ($module=='admin')?modules::run($module, $this->data, $method):modules::run($module, $this->data, 'index');  

I didn't quite follow you when you say you use a custom library to load all the options inside the data array upon initialization and then just array_merge. I'm a bit rusty on CI (took a sabatical for a few months learning javascript), but I thought when libraries were loaded, CI automatically checked for a similarly named config file. Seems like there would be a way befitting of the "CI way" to have the modules check for a config file and to load that. So when a module is loaded, go ahead and load the config array associated with it. Not sure if that would connect to the module, or maybe one of the views.

I apologize for not explaining everything from the beginning. This is what I have done in one of my configuration tests with ME & smarty Template System. I will start with the autoload file, your routes.php file will stay as above. Ofcourse you can do some trickiness it there to load another controller(I don't see a need for this due to modules) When you use ME it this configuration everythign becomes a module that is loaded from the url. I check my method or current_action inside my module and the only thing on top is the error flash messages or contact(email send function),etc.which is mapped from the index function via function_exists. Please try to follow along as I give you some files for example.

$autoload['libraries'] = array('database','session','validation','smarty_parser','environ');

$autoload['helper'] = array('url','file','form','modules');

$autoload['language'] = array('site'); //app/languages/english/site_lang.php
make sure to add smarty libs to your app/libraries/smarty/ directory, create a app/libraries/smarty_parser.php file and app/config/smarty_parser.php(follow 1st post link) In the research that I have conducted I have found that all you need is a default_layout.php that contains this code
and teh rest is up to smarty and my special site environment variable library. I will show a basic configuration of this and my lib to hold your environment configuration.
inside my smarty I have added these to setting to control my template delimiters (this way anything smarty will show as an html comment and you can tell you designer not to touch the comments but work around them, plus it looks easier on the eyes Smile
$config['left_delimiter'] = '<!--{';
$config['right_delimiter'] = '}-->';
okay, this is where the fun begins, yay, fun. Smile
create a environ.php inside app/config/ this will hold your template configuration
//templates folder name in filesystem
//current active template name
//template config file name located inside template_name/config/ directory
I will continue with app/libraries/environ.php in next post, I thank you for being patient. I'm sure you will be pleased with it.

This is my current eviron.php file located inside app/libraries/ I will place it on the wiki once it deserves to be up there and is nicely working.
<?php  if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

ENVIRON VARIABLES LIBRARY for ME & Smarty Template System
Aleksandr Ilyich Goretoy aka RussianPimp YingYes

This class is very early beta and will be rigourously tested and modified
You are allowed to use this code as you wish as long as this sig stays here. Please don't delete it.
Currently works for loading templates from file system and db(kinda buggy) Send me bugfixes in ci forum.
class Environ {
    var $template_name;
    var $templates_folder;
    var $template;
    var $template_root;
    var $template_dir;
    var $_environ=array();
    var $theme=array();
    var $data=array();
    function __construct()
        $this->ci =& get_instance();
        define('ENVIRONMENT_VERSION', '1.0.4');
        log_message('debug', "Environment Class Initialized : Environ " . ENVIRONMENT_VERSION);


    function init($environ=array())
        // Load the required files for this lib to
        // work correctly.
        //get environment variables from config file
        $this->document_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$this->ci->config->item('base_dir').APPPATH.'views/';
        $this->template_name = $this->ci->config->item('template_name');
        $this->template_location = $this->ci->config->item('template_location');
            /*this line loads the config file located inside the template directory
            $this->template_id = $this->ci->template_model->get_config_item_value('template_id');
            $this->template_name = $this->ci->template_model->get_config_item_value('template_name');
    function _templify_array($array,$string='layout')
            foreach($array as $key=>$val)
cut and paste these 3 sections.

environ.php continued:
function _template_asset_dirs($loc='file')
            foreach($assets->result() as $asset=>$a)

    //type can be either css or js and loc can be db or file
    function _template_theme($type='css',$loc='file')
            foreach($$vart->result() as $$type=>$c)
            foreach($this->data['theme_'.$type] as $$type=>$c)
    function _template($loc='file',$string='layout',$type='id')
            foreach($$string->result() as $k=>$v)
//                    if(file_exists($this->template_root.$string.'/tpl_'.$p->url.EXT))
//                    if($this->ci->smarty_parser->template_exists('ci:'.$this->template.$string.'/tpl_'.$p->url.EXT))
//                    {
//                    }
            foreach($this->data['template_'.$string] as $k=>$v)



    //this function sets the template directory variable variants
    function _set_template()
    //when configuration is from flat file this function sets the template variables into data
    function _theme_config($theme_config='')
            foreach($theme_config as $the =>$theme)
                    foreach($theme as $var =>$val)
    //when config is from flat file this function inverts the data array
    function _array_invert($arr)
        $res = Array();
        foreach(array_keys($arr) as $key)
          if (!array_key_exists($arr[$key], $res)) $res[$arr[$key]] = Array();
        array_push($res[$arr[$key]], $key);
      return $res;

environ.php continued:
//these 2 functions linkCSS and linkJS were borrowed from View Library
*    View Library - simplifies management and loading of views in CodeIgniter applications
*    @author            Ted Wood (ted[at]codeoflife.ca)
*    @last_modified    July 28th, 2007
function linkCSS($href, $var = 'view_css',$return=false)
        if (!isset($this->vars[$var])) {
            $this->vars[$var] = "<!-- @{$var} -->\n\t";
        if (is_array($href)) {
            foreach ($href as $v) {
                $this->vars[$var] .= '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="'.$v.'" />'."\n\t";
        } else {
            $this->vars[$var] .= '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="'.$href.'" />'."\n\t";
        return $this->vars[$var];
    function linkJS($src, $var = 'view_js',$return=false) {
        if (!isset($this->vars[$var])) {
            $this->vars[$var] = "<!-- @{$var} -->\n\t";
        if (is_array($src)) {
            foreach ($src as $v) {
                $this->vars[$var] .= ''."\n\t";
        } else {
            $this->vars[$var] .= ''."\n\t";
        return $this->vars[$var];
environ.php end/close/finish/fin Smile
next I will show how to use this powerful setup.

this is my templates_model.php located inside app/models/
<?php  if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter
* An open source application development framework for PHP 4.3.2 or newer
* @package        CodeIgniter
* @author        ExpressionEngine Dev Team
* @copyright    Copyright (c) 2006, EllisLab, Inc.
* @license        http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/license.html
* @link        http://codeigniter.com
* @since        Version 1.0
* @filesource

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* CodeIgniter User Authentication Model
* This Model provides CodeIgniter with a simple
* and flexible user authnetication
* @package        CodeIgniter
* @subpackage    Model
* @category    Model
* @author        Mathew Davies
* @link        

class Template_Model extends Model
    var $query_count=0;
    function __construct()
    function clear_count()
    function get_count()
        return $this->query_count;
    function get_pages_by_id($template_id)
            return $this->db->query("select * from `pages` where `template`='".$template_id."'");
        return false;
    function get_pages_by_name($template_name)
            $template_id= $this->get_template_id_by_name($template_name);
                return $this->db->query("select * from `pages` where `template`='".$template_id."'");
                return false;
        return false;
    function get_layout_by_id($template_id)
            return $this->db->query("select * from `layout` where `template`='".$template_id."'");
        return false;
    function get_layout_by_name($template_name)
            $template_id= $this->get_template_id_by_name($template_name);
                return $this->db->query("select * from `layout` where `template`='".$template_id."'");
                return false;
        return false;
    function get_sections_by_id($template_id)
            return $this->db->query("select * from `sections` where `template`='".$template_id."'");
        return false;
    function get_theme_css($template_id)
            return $this->db->query("select * from `css` where `template`='".$template_id."'");
        return false;
    function get_theme_js($template_id)
            return $this->db->query("select * from `js` where `template`='".$template_id."'");
        return false;
    function get_asset_dirs_by_id($template_id)
            return $this->db->query("select * from `templates` where `id`='".$template_id."'");
        return false;
    function get_asset_dirs_by_name($template_name)
            return $this->db->query("select * from `templates` where `name`='".$template_name."'");
        return false;
    function left_join_by_template_id($t_id)
                $q=$this->db->query("SELECT templates.name, templates.images_dir, templates.swf_dir, templates.pdf_dir,
                                    FROM templates
                                    LEFT JOIN layout
                                    ON templates.id=layout.template_id
                                    WHERE templates.id='".$t_id."'");
            return $q->row()->id;
        return false;
    function get_config_item_value($item_name)
            $q=$this->db->query("select `value` from `site_config` where `name`='".$item_name."'");
            return $q->row()->value;
        return false;
    function get_template_id_by_name($name)
            $q=$this->db->query("select `id` from `templates` where `name`='".$name."'");
            return ($q->num_rows()!=0)?$q->row()->id:false;
        return false;
    function set($data, $name = '' )
        if ( empty($name) && is_array($data) )
            $this->db->set($name, $data);

    function insert ($table)
        if ( $this->db->affected_rows() > 0 )
            return true;
        return false;

this is where the configuration of modules and such begins. everything above this is environ lib.
this is how I have my file system structure setup for one template:
      .htaccess //< Options -indexes RewriteEngine On Deny from all
                        site_lang.php // autoloaded
                        views/ // we won't use module views since all our views are smarty templates and will be inside app/views/smarty/templates
                        default_template/ //this is your default template which loads if no var is set in file or db
                                          .htaccess //< Options -indexes RewriteEngine On Allow from all
                                    tpl_index.php //this loads your head foot left right and any other templates
                                    /* RECURSION */
configure the main smarty template which loads all the rest of the templates from variables
this is what your tpl_index.php should looks like
&lt;!--{if !empty($head_tpl)}--&gt;
&lt;!--{include file="$head_tpl"}--&gt;
            &lt;!--{if !empty($banner_tpl)}--&gt;
                &lt;!--{include file="$banner_tpl"}--&gt;

            <div class="mainWrap">

                        &lt;!--{if !empty($left_tpl)}--&gt;
                        &lt;!--{include file="$left_tpl"}--&gt;
                        &lt;!--{if !empty($content_tpl)}--&gt;
                        &lt;!--{include file="$content_tpl"}--&gt;
                        &lt;!--{if !empty($right_tpl)}--&gt;
                        &lt;!--{include file="$right_tpl"}--&gt;


&lt;!--{if !empty($foot_tpl)}--&gt;
&lt;!--{include file="$foot_tpl"}--&gt;
<div class="centerWrap">
&lt;!--{foreach from=$template_pages key=template item=template_page}--&gt;
    &lt;!--{if !empty($template_page)}--&gt;
        &lt;!--{if $current_action eq $template}--&gt;
            &lt;!--{include file="$template_page"}--&gt;

    &lt;!--{if !empty($page_tpl)}--&gt;
        &lt;!--{if $current_action eq 'index'}--&gt;
            &lt;!--{include file="$page_tpl"}--&gt;

on top of all this great commosion you can create your own custom smarty functions inside app/libraries/smarty/plugins/
oooooohhh, pluuuuuuugiiiiiinnnns. very nice touch.

function smarty_function_site_url($params,&$smarty)
    //check if the needed function exists
    //otherwise try to load it
    if (!function_exists('site_url')) {
        //return error message in case we can't get CI instance
        if (!function_exists('get_instance')) return "Can't get CI instance";
        $CI= &get;_instance();
    if (!isset($params['url'])) return base_url();
    else return site_url($params['url']);

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"



&lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=&lt;!--{$charset}--&gt;"&gt;
&lt;meta name="keywords" content="&lt;!--{$keywords}--&gt;"&gt;
&lt;meta name="description" content="&lt;!--{$description}--&gt;"&gt;

//preload images for lightbox.js
var fileLoadingImage = "&lt;!--{$template_images_dir}--&gt;loading.gif";        
var fileBottomNavCloseImage = "&lt;!--{$template_images_dir}--&gt;closelabel.gif";

&lt;!--{foreach from=$theme_css item=theme}--&gt;&lt;!--{$theme}--&gt;&lt;!--{/foreach}--&gt;
&lt;!--{foreach from=$theme_js item=theme}--&gt;&lt;!--{$theme}--&gt;&lt;!--{/foreach}--&gt;


I would appreciate any comments at all and whatsoever a nice job would be nice too. Anyway, I hope that someone takes this lib very seriously as it has a lot of power due to the fact that it uses ModularExtensions and Smarty combined. Any and all input is welcome as always.

and this is a module for ya as well.
home.php located inside app/modules/home/controllers/home.php
function index($_data)
        if($_data['current_action']=='contact' && method_exists($this,'contact'))
        $data = array(
             'title'=>get_class($this).' - '.$this->config->item('site_name'),
            'page_title'=>'Tulsa / Broken Arrow - Oklahoma Interior Design, Renovation Services | Elegant Accents '

        return $this->render('ci:'.$this->environ->template.'tpl_index',$data);
as you can see I'm not loading a mass load of modules yet my pages have so much data on them and all that good stuff Smile

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