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Modulated Templated CMS system

Here I will explain how to build a smarty templated modulated CMS.
please follow the instructions on this thread to setup your smarty templates system
also please see this thread for modules setup instructions:
configure your routes.php file like this:
$route['default_controller'] = "default_controller";
$route['scaffolding_trigger'] = "";
$route['(.*)'] = 'default_controller/$1';

now create a controller called default_controller like so in your app/controllers directory:
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Default_controller extends Controller
    function Default_controller()
    var $method;
    var $data=array();
    function _remap($page, $content = '')
        switch ($page)
            case 'index':
            case 'home':
                    $content = modules::run('home',$data,$this->method);
        case 'user':
            $content = modules::run($page,'',$this->method);
                //$content = modules::run('home');

    function init()
    function render($content)
        $default_template = array(
            'template'=> $content
        /*default_layout only contains this string <?=$template?>*/
now create a view inside you app/views directory called default_layout.php like so:

now for the fun part. copy over the modular_extentsions.php to your app/libs and modular_helper.php to app/helpers, make sure that your smarty templates folder is located inside app/views and inside the smarty folder create a folder default_template and templates inside the templates directory all your site templates will go, your structure should looks like this.
for now the code will be loading the light template.

now for the modules:
in your app/ directory make sute to have a directory named modules, this is where all your modules will go. Structure like this:
                  views/ <- you can statically link this in linux with ln -sf /full/path/to/smarty/templates views(your modules will then use them)
now inside app/modules/home/controllers/ or in app/modules/home/ create a file named home.php

$this->environ->template holds the path to the active template which is easy enough to figure out so I won't go into details ex. smarty/templates/$template
&lt;?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Home extends Module
    function Home()
    function index($data)
        $data = array(
//load module located inside app/modules/home/modules/home_page/controllers/home_page.php

//since your using smarty to parse your templates after CI finishes you get to have the best of both worlds
        return $this->render('ci:'.$this->environ->template.'tpl_index',$data);


    function render($template,$data)
        return $this->smarty_parser->parse($template,$data,true);

this way you can load modules within modules and have them either display there module/view or a template from the templates folder ditermined by the template environ variable. Enjoy. I've been waiting for something like this for a while myself. Any comments at all would be greatly appreciated.

tpl_index.php will be located in app/views/smarty/templates/$template like so:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
&lt;html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt;
&lt;meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /&gt;
&lt;meta name="keywords" content="{$meta}" /&gt;
&lt;link rel="shortcut icon" href="media/favicon.ico" type="image/ico" /&gt;
{foreach from=$theme_css item=theme}{$theme}{/foreach}
{foreach from=$theme_js item=theme}{$theme}{/foreach}

<div id="container" >
        <div id="headerWrap">
            <div id="header">
            <ul>{foreach from=$main_menu item=menu}<li>{$menu}</li>{/foreach}</ul>
        <div id="content">
            <div id="contentHeader">
                <div id="siteDescription">{$site_slogan}</div>
            <div id="main">
                {include file="$breadcrumb_tpl"}            
                {include file="$content_tpl"}    
                <br />
        <div id="footer">

Any comments would be greatly appreciated

On a quick glanze, this is what I have been planning to do myself but I bet not on this scale. I don't have time to test it now but it sure looks promising. Thanks for your effort Big Grin

no problem, let me know what you think once you test it

[quote author="yingyes" date="1204762557"]now for the modules:
in your app/ directory make sute to have a directory named modules, this is where all your modules will go. Structure like this:
            views/ <- you can statically link this in linux with ln -sf /full/path/to/smarty/templates views(your modules will then use them)
now inside app/modules/home/controllers/ or in app/modules/home/ create a file named home.php

Is this directory correct? (app/modules/home/controllers/) Or did you mean app/home/modules/controllers/

I'm trying to get the basic understanding of using HMVC from your tutorial here, although I haven't used smarty, so I'm trying to get the point without smarty involved.

I also tried looking at the InkType blog setup, but that server is down so I didn't get far with that one. I think another good reference example may have been to use bambooinvoice.org. A common 'hello world' example would be beneficial for all user extensions.

@a&w;- yes your modules will be located inside the app/modules/ directory like this:
                  modules/ /*only if you want sibling modules*/
module one is just how I've decided to implement my home(main) module that is mapped to in your default controller
function _remap()

        $module = $this->uri->segment(1) OR $module = 'home';
        $method = $this->uri->segment(2) OR $method = 'index';

        $this->data=$this->lang->language;//sets my language variables, autoloaded

        $this->data['current_page']=$module; //used inside my modules

    $this->data['current_action']=$method; //used inside my modules
//if you want to load modules into views? from here you can
    //$this->data['header']=modules::run('header',$this->data,'index');//I don't do this from my default controller
        if(modules::exists($module,$module)!=NULL)//I've modified modules_helper.php to include a exists() method
            $content = ($module=='admin')?modules::run($module, $this->data, $method):modules::run($module, $this->data, 'index');  

and a render method inside default_controller.php
function render($content)

        //This calls the active template index page
        $default_template = array(
            'template'=> $content//$this->smarty_parser->parse('ci:'.$this->template.'/index',$content,true)
        /*contains only &lt;?=$template?&gt;*/
exists method inside modules_helper.php version 4.0.19
makes it so that if a module doesn't exist it will redirect to default module and will not show
this line from modules_helper.php
show_error("Unable to locate the requested file: ".$path2file);
function exists($file, $path = '', $base = 'controllers/')
        $file .= strpos($file, '.') ? '' : EXT;
        if (($pos = strrpos($file, '/')) !== FALSE)
            $path  = substr($file, 0, $pos);
            $file  = substr($file, $pos + 1);
        $path .= '/';
        $path2file = $path.$base.$file;
        $paths2scan = array(MODBASE.$path.$base, MODBASE.$path, MODBASE.$base, MODBASE);
        if (!in_array($base, array('controllers/', 'libraries/', 'methods/')))
            $paths2scan = array_merge($paths2scan, array(APPPATH.$base, APPPATH.$base.$path));
        foreach ($paths2scan as $path2)
            foreach (array($file, ucfirst($file)) as $name)
                if (is_file($path2.$name))
                    return TRUE;
        return FALSE; // I don't understand why it returns NULL even though I have this set
default_controller.php doesn't have to be so overweight from the bulk of the data being passes in teh views. I use a custom library to do this, which just loads all the options inside the data array upon initialization and then just array_merge that array into your data array inside default_controller.php :) You could load the content into a view instead of a smarty template system just as easy by changing your render method to do this. I've added an exists method because I could see a way without one inside modules_helper.php all it is, is just a modified version of the path_to() method. The reason why I use smarty is because it makes my views look much cleaner. So if I am not good at design but Iknow how to do this then a designer can take a gander at the views without knowing how to code. Any more questions are welcome. I gives me more ideas, hope this helps someone.

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