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Loading a controller through an automatic condition

Hello everyone,

I have this problem, I have the same app that is being used by different entities, but I need to load different methods based on the user.

So, let's take this as an example:

User A is from California.
User B is from Minnesota.
User C is from Mexico.

User A have a specific way of displaying the user profile based on information that is available to him and only to him.

What I need is to have the three of them call the /users/profile/$id method, but CodeIgniter should check first if there exists a /a/users/profile/$1 before loading. It if exists, then load that, else load the default method.

Doing this on a regular condition (if else) is not an option because that would be a pain when there are over 70 users.

I know wireddesignz already does this with his modular expansion library, but I have no idea of how to achieve it.

Please help.


If you use an Auth system then you could link the users profile with the user information in the database.

user table:

When you create a new user then assign the user_id to the profile_id then you can add all the profile information that you need for that user at any time.

profile table

Then you could store all the profile information using the user_id
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

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