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A Mac App called "CodeIgniter Wizard" for scaffolding code generation from database

Hey, all.

I am happy to announce that there is a now a RAD app for Mac to quickly generate code for models, views and controllers and entities from MySQL tables. It creates a working web application with a Bootstrap4-based admin interface which you can either build upon as a starting point, or copy parts from it to your web application. The objective is saving tremendous amount time

A 9-minute demo of how it works from YouTube:

[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fo2wmzZ2p3I]

and more info on the app web site including a demo web app and link to its source code on Github:

CodeIgntier Wizard web site

CodeIgniter Wizard (CRUD code generator for Mac) instantly scaffolds Bootstrap-based web applications with an administrative interface (admin templates include Bootstrap5)


I used to be totally against CRUD code generators, but this product is way more than a code generator!

The capability to add multiple file uploads on a single form while still maintaining a robust form validation, file validation and exception handling altogether is a big plus!

Keep up the great job!

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