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Codeigniter 4 breadcrumb library


Had been looking around for a CI4 breadcrumb library to quickly add to a project but couldn't really find anything that suited my needs so went ahead and threw something together today.

It may be of use for some of you.

Based on bootstrap breadcrumb styles.


Neat! Thanks for sharing. I’ve been thinking about adding breadcrumbs to an AdminLTE project so I will check this out.

It would be cool to have a Filter to apply these automatically, though I guess that would also need some rubric for generating the links automatically.

(11-13-2020, 06:04 PM)MGatner Wrote: Neat! Thanks for sharing. I’ve been thinking about adding breadcrumbs to an AdminLTE project so I will check this out.

It would be cool to have a Filter to apply these automatically, though I guess that would also need some rubric for generating the links automatically.

Cool. Let me know what you think or what improvements / additions can be made, or you would like.

I steered away from an auto breadcrumb as the URL may not always 100% match how you would like them displayed.

Breadcum should be auto generated by route
Run once in filter
And get result by service

Learning CI4 from my works, from errors and how to fix bugs in the community

Love CI & Thanks CI Teams


V2.0 Released

As some of you wanted the option for it to dynamically build the breadcrumbs for you i have added that option. You can now either build manually or use the auto build function.

Either way can be used independent of each other. Some pages can use auto, others manual even from the same controller.

Enjoy  Big Grin

Awesome! I will check it out. Thanks for that quick turnaround!

Hi @Geeklabs, Thank you so much for creating this usefull library, its easy, simple, i love it!

Great help. thanks

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