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GraphQL (and other non-relational db) Active Record support

Hello! I am petitioning for a Active Record equivalent for GraphQL and other non-relational databases as Laravel supports this and it would make CI relevant to use for many. The biggest complain among users as far as I have noticed is that CI does not have good database support. While Active Records is great, it's limited to only MySQL, Oracle, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, SQLite, CUBRID, Interbase/Firebird, ODBC and PDO drivers. Unfortunately, while this is fine with traditional styled websites, we're in 2021 and there are so many different database types which makes other frameworks more appealing to use. While it's technically possible to use anything in Codeigniter, there's no framework to make it either easier or more secure to use. GraphQL for example is exceptionally important as it is used for search systems as well as social networks and user interests which is profoundly important these days.
Please consider adding support to at least GraphQL as it would greatly propel Codeigniter into relevancy again! I've been using CI since 1.7 (or so) and while I have used other frameworks from time to time, I continue to believe in the greatness of this project.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

We would love support for more databases, and definitely some of the “NoSQL” offerings. @najdanovicivan has done quite a bit of work in this area, and we have to thank for the BaseModel that works with some collection databases.

The reality is that the current maintainers are spread thin working on upkeep and what we already have planned for the next few releases. Your request is not unheard, but it would be more helpful if you would help write the code and/or gather people with this experience to plan and work on these features.

We are all volunteers so the framework is largely driven by individual expertise and interest, and if CodeIgniter is going to have a future outside of Active Record it will need some champions in that area!

Yeah i already told thst we need support grafql. ci4 have to support mongodb and make ci4 more powerful
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