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MyClientBase - Free & Open Source Invoicing System (Updated Jan 15, 2010)

Thanks for sharing, I do like your tool Smile

This will be the last update I'll post here in the CodeIgniter forums since not many people seem to have any input on MyClientBase. Feel free to come join the forums if you'd like to contribute ideas, suggestions, etc, to the project.

MyClientBase 0.6.4 has been released. See the MyClientBase website for details.

[quote author="Developer13" date="1263631878"]This will be the last update I'll post here in the CodeIgniter forums since not many people seem to have any input on MyClientBase. Feel free to come join the forums if you'd like to contribute ideas, suggestions, etc, to the project.

MyClientBase 0.6.4 has been released. See the MyClientBase website for details.[/quote]

Just wanted to say that the last update 0.7 has taken the project where I can actually use it without any hacks. I had issues with how the discounts where set up, and some other stuff fixed in this release.

At this point, i have to say that is a GREAT TOOL. Thank you for putting it out there as an open source project.

[quote author="goliatone" date="1267298944"]Just wanted to say that the last update 0.7 has taken the project where I can actually use it without any hacks. I had issues with how the discounts where set up, and some other stuff fixed in this release.

At this point, i have to say that is a GREAT TOOL. Thank you for putting it out there as an open source project.[/quote]

Glad to hear it's working out for you, and thanks for the note!

i need tax option as 10%+2%+1% to base value and 4% or 12.5% for all (base value + 10+2+1 %) is it possible

I'm excited to try out MyClientBase, but the installation process isn't very well explained. Not every business owner who wants to manage his invoices is a programmer and we don't all know how to setup a database — or maybe I'm the only one — but still, could you dumb it down a little?

[eluser]Rick Jolly[/eluser]
[quote author="ElWarboGrande" date="1298758366"]I'm excited to try out MyClientBase, but the installation process isn't very well explained. Not every business owner who wants to manage his invoices is a programmer and we don't all know how to setup a database — or maybe I'm the only one — but still, could you dumb it down a little?[/quote]
The installation is a simple as possible. You could ask your host to setup a database or pay someone to do that for you. Should take 5 minutes, so it won't cost you much. There are hosted invoice applications that might better suit you, but you'll pay more.

Rick, thanks for the advice, but all I really need is someone who can explain the process of setting up a database. I'm not a total lost cause when it comes to these things — I managed to scrape through the process of compiling php on my Mac, I have a hosted server and I manage my own website. But I haven't been able to find any clear instructions dealing with mySQL or even databases in general. I'm sure that to a developer it's the simplest thing in the world, but this sort of thing is still new to me.

As far as paying someone to do this for me — I'm afraid it's not an option. I have nothing to invest so I need to get my invoices in order so I can start some sort of a collections system so I can start getting paid. Hence the need for an open source invoice management system in first place.

I realize this is putting the cart before the horse, but that's the situation I'm in.

[eluser]Rick Jolly[/eluser]
If you are compiling php, then you aren't approaching this properly. Is there a reason you need your own dedicated server? Shared hosting starts at about $20/year. You'll have access to a control panel (like cpanel) where you can create a database and a database user with a few clicks. Find a tutorial for your control panel if you have questions. If you'd like to develop locally, then download a pre-packaged server/database like MAMP.

I didn't say I complied php for THIS. I just wanted to illustrate that I'm not a total lackey when it comes to things technical. And I guess I wasn't clear when I said I have a hosted server. I meant that I have a shared host. My site is hosted with MyDomain.

Still, I think you may have solved my issue. I found where I can create a database using my isp control panel. It's still pending but I think I might be able to move on from here. Thanks for all your help.

Thanks also for keeping alive the memory of our beloved Darkwing Duck!

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