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New Simple Code Generation


1. To work on windows, you'll need to set php work dir in path var. Left click on my computer, propr, advanced, env vars - sorry, my windows is not in portuguese, but you can put this on wiki too. I tested and here is working.

2. Well, i put a clean copy of CI to call like this: localhost/ci. So i test with Blog (php ignite all Blog). Works, but:
- The link to create a new post, calls /blog/create. But in my env, will be need localhost/ci/index.php/blog/create (i didn't set mod_rewrite yet). I think a base_url can resolved

3. You didn't tell how configure additional methods in controller. ignition/templates/controller.tpl, hum?

But, WHAT A GREAT JOB. Congratulations. I know that you maybe in 1.0 version and these issues are expect, but i keep thinking that you made an excellent job.

Sorry about my stupid english. As you noticed, is not my primary language.

Hey thanks for the feedback. I don't use windows much, but I'll try to add something to my wiki about your discoveries on windows.

Regarding the templates and creation of other methods...you can add whatever you need to add in those templates and it should be pretty self explanatory what you need to do to add more methods. The ignite script will replace %&#xob;ject%% with a lower case version of your object and %&#xOb;ject%% with an Capitalized version. (e.g. %&#xob;ject%%s would be changed to blogs).

However, as far as ignition is concerned, I was only interested the list, show, and create methods. (I'd like to add edit, but since its so close to the create functionality, I was trying to think of a way to combine them and just haven't found some thing I'm satisfied with yet. I've got several ideas bouncing around, but haven't had anything that I like yet.

Finally one thing I have noticed is that pluralization isn't quite right, meaning the spelling will be off. If I create a Gallery object it will create a ListGallerys.php view instead of a ListGalleries.php view. I figure this is no big deal, but could probably write some sort of automatic pluralization. Just not there yet. Smile

Just wanted to post a common question I'm getting about Igntion:

I've gotten a few emails about the models being broken up on generation but after further investigation the folks were forgetting to autoload the database library. Ignition expects to have database and session libraries autoloaded as well as the the form, url and file helpers.

I believe I mention this on http://ignition.lifewithryan.com in the walkthrough, but just thought I'd re-iterate here for those interested.

Thanks guys, I'm getting good feedback Smile

[eluser]Dave Nuttall[/eluser]
I normally develop on a Linux platform, but while traveling I have an old laptop that has XP. So I had time to play with Ignition on a valid WAMP environment with PHP5.x and CI plus Codecrafter.

I pulled in Ignition and tried to generate the Blog SQL and the first response was "errors" on lines 151 and 153 of "ignite".

To fix it, simply change at line 151 in "ignite":
$sqlTemplate = file_get_contents(TEMPLATES_HOME . "sql.tpl", r);
$sqlTemplate = file_get_contents(TEMPLATES_HOME . "sql.tpl", "r");

And at line 153:
$sqlDest = fopen(SQL_HOME . "create_" . $obj . ".sql", w);
$sqlDest = fopen(SQL_HOME . "create_" . $obj . ".sql", "w");

Something about PHP thinking the "r" and "w" were undefined constants.
Hail to the "spark" for Ignition!

Dave Nuttall
San Antonio, Texas

Thanks! Glad you got to fire it up with Windows...wierd though how Linux didn't care about that...unless perhaps I came across that as well and forgot to change it in the published version, but I doubt that's the case. I'm totally paranoid about making sure my latest and greatest is what you're downloading.

I'll make that change for the benefit of our windows users out there!

EDIT: I've made your changes and published them: http://ignition.lifewithryan.com/ignition.zip


I've finally got a demo video, but right now I'm having a hell of a time getting it to embed...anyone have any pointers on getting this to show up in a flash player? I've been wrestling all morning with it!

ANYWAY....here's a direct link, its a 26MB AVI file for now...until I figure out how better to serve it up. http://ignition.lifewithryan.com/ignition-demo.avi

Great initiative, Ryan.

Now, i'm trying to access the web site, but:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was
unable to complete your request...

Thanks in advance.

Sorry about that, my ISP did something recently and I haven't had the chance to troubleshoot the issue. I can get you documentation if thats what you need, etc...just message me here.

[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]
Damn. All I get on the demo vid is audio. Sad

Strange...its just an avi file...though I did have a hell of a time making it. I'll check it out when i get the chance. Also, I've got my hosting provider looking at the internal server issue. I've tried all I can to figure out what is wrong with it. It was done in Media Wiki so perhaps I got hacked all to hell...dunno.

Its been a while since I've done anything with Code Ignitor and/or the ignition script, but I'll try to have everything up and going as soon as I can.

Sorry for all the problems. Do any of you guys have the code downloaded? I can get you the zip if need be via email.

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